Glimpse 1: Move In Day

Start from the beginning

Mom shakes her head, and says, "Maybe he's just having a bad day. It's morbidly hot out, that'll put anyone in a bad mood."

"Aiden will be happy. He's terrified you'll replace him," Quinn says, spinning in circles in my desk chair.

"Aiden has Ben, he'll be fine." I say, laughing. Austin wraps his arm over my shoulder. "So, are we going to eat? I'm starving."

"I second that," Quinn notions, raising his hand in the air.

"Third it," Austin says from beside me, rubbing his stomach.

"Fourth it," Dad says, making Mom roll her eyes.

"Boys and their appetite," Mom mutters, "Okay, everyone out. Let's eat."

I unwrap myself from Austin, reaching over to grab my purse from the desk, swatting Quinn before skipping into the hall as fast as I can. Its difficult, limping but I've learned to accommodate it.

He jumps up from the chair, racing after me.

I laugh when Austin catches my little brother around the waist. My parents follow us into the hallway, shaking their heads. Quinn and Austin begin to wrestle, Austin winning by locking Quinn's neck into a headlock and giving him a wet willy.

My parents usher us down the hall to the elevator and Austin lets go of Quinn shoving him away before taking my hand in his. I live in Hayward Hall, a twelve story residence on Queens University campus. I live on the fourth floor.

Once we touch the bottom floor, it takes almost five minutes to reach the van my parents rented. Today is move in day, a busy day. I crawl into the seats beside Austin, taking the middle while Quinn sits on the other side of me.

"I saw a pizzeria a few blocks away, we'll eat there," my Dad says, brushing aside all other suggestions.

"Pizza, the love of my life," I say with a chuckle. Austin scoffs, touching his heart.

"Well then," He says, and I kiss him on the cheek and Quinn groans.

"Please my eyes!" He screeches, covering his eyes. "Mom, Dad, make them stop!"

Everyone but Quinn bursts into laughter.

"You're the least innocent one here!" Austin argues as my dad pulls into a parking lot, the pizzeria in front of us. It's Domino's Pizza, one of the best in Canada.

Quinn is sixteen and he's done more stupid things than any of my brothers combined. Just last week he went got into a fight with my parents and broke a glass. That's the only reason Quinn is here, in Kingston instead of back home. He's grounded and my parents won't let him out of their sight.

The five of us enter the restaurant, greeted by a blonde headed waitress. The restaurant is noisy, but the smell of pizza eases the distress. Dad asks for a booth, and Tabby smiles, leading us to a quiet area.

"What can I get you all to drink?"

I order an iced water, everyone else ordering Pepsi. Before Tabby walks away, she sends a quick wink at Austin. Austin turns his face, nuzzling his nose into my hair, paying no attention to my parents.

I smile creeps onto my face. My dad coughs loudly, and we pull apart, my cheeks heat up in a flush.

"Your cheeks are redder than a tomato!" Quinn says, laughing on the other side of me. I elbow him in the ribs, and he stops, muttering obscenities.

Tabby comes back with our drinks, her eyes analyzing us as we order an extra large pizza and garlic fingers. She keeps looking at Austin but he only stares at me, his hand resting on my thigh. Once she leaves, Mom shakes her head.

"Austin, you'll have to beat the girls off you with a bat," my dad laughs, and I turn to face him.

Austin laughs. "Don't worry sir, I only have eyes for one girl."

"God, I'm going to be sick," Quinn mutters, pretending to gag.

"Would you shut up?" I snap.

"Be nice to each other," Mom scolds. "This will be the last time you see each other until Thanksgiving."

"Thank God," Quinn says, and my dad reaches over the table, swatting him in the head.

"Oh please, you'll miss me. Admit it," I say, chuckling, poking my little brothers face. He hits my hand away, biting at it.

"We'll all miss you." Dad says, sipping from his Coca Cola, Mom leaning into his arm. "My little girl is all grown up."

After we eat, my parents drop Austin and I back off at the university.

Quinn stands against the van behind my parents, watching as my parents engulf me in their tight embraces. Dad lets go of me, turning to Austin but Mom doesn't let go. If she starts crying, I'm done for.

"Don't forget to call. Call every single day." She says into my hair, her words muffled. "If you need any money, or anything, just say and we'll send some." She pulls back, touching my face. "And swear to me, if your leg gets bad, you will go to a doctor."

I sigh. "I will, Mom."

Everyone back home, especially my brothers, have been worried that me coming to Queen's. They're scared that I'll fall and relapse will my leg.

"Promise me." She says, squeezing my arms, her eyes shinning with tears.

"I promise."

Austin wraps his arm around me, "Don't worry. I'm less than two hours away, I'll look after her."

Mom thanks him, and throws her arms around him. "I'm counting on that."

"Quinn, come say goodbye to you sister!" Dad yells to my brother. Quinn rolls his eyes, unfolding his arms as he pushes off the van and begins to walk over. When he reaches me, he throws his arms around me without saying a word.

"Look after the family, alright? Make sure Joey doesn't get into trouble."

Quinn pulls back. "I'll see you on Thanksgiving," He says, turning back around, walking towards the van. "Oh, and Mom said I can have your room!"

I snap my head to Mom. "Mom!"

She laughs, shaking her head. "He's joking, honey."

There's another round of I love you and goodbyes, before finally my parents get into the van, leaving Austin and I standing on the residence steps, waving to them as they drive away.

Austin and I walk into the entrance of Waldron Tower.

"So, do you need help unpacking?" he asks, smirking.

"Uh, yeah," I say, rolling my eyes. "What else do you think you're here for?"

He smirks. "To smother you with kisses and to make all the other boys jealous."

I pat his arm, laughing. "Help me unpack and you can have all the kisses you want."

I hoped you liked this glimpse guys!

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