"Is that the first thing you say to your cousin who traveled a long distance just to see you." So they are related.

"You came here for the business deal not for me."

"Cruel as always I see."

"I bet you are here at the college because of the attention you get from all the girls." Gouenji said ignoring his comment.

"You know me." He said chuckling. "I am thinking of settling in New York."

Gouenji nodded at this.

"You have nothing to say except nodding your head?"

"New York is a good place."

The other person sighed. "It's no use trying to change you. Is there any girl now in your life?" He asked wriggling his eyebrows. "Why don't try to enjoy for once man?" He seems oddly familiar.

"I don't think he is single," Steven interrupted. "considering he got out of the car with this young lady here." He said looking at me. I felt uncomfortable under his gaze.

"Really? That would be a big wonder. I don't believe it! Coming out from his car is a very big deal. He never gave ride to any female not even business partners. If it is true I want to know who is this strange creature that managed to capture my ever bachelor cousin's heart?" He said turning to me and stood still for a minute as if recognizing for a minute.

"You!" He said pointing his finger at me.

"Do I know you?" I asked after an akward five minutes of silence since he seemed to recognize me and his face seems familiar too. I met him before but where?

"You don't remember?" He asked but I kept quiet since I know I met him somewhere but couldn't recall where.

"That's better." He grumbled under his breathe.

"Did you say something?"

"No, I didn't."

"So you are the strange creature who captured my dear cousin's heart."

"No, I am neither a strange creature nor did I capture your cousin's heart."

"Sharp tongued as ever."

"What do you mean? By the way we already met didn't we? I can't seem to remember."

"No, don't try! It's not important." He said in Italian making bells ring in my head.

"You are the pervert from the airport!" I exclaimed recognizing him. He was the one I met in the plane at the start of the college this year and the one who made very rude and pervert comments about me. Pervert no.1 from the airport.

"I am not a pervert!"

"So you really are." I said and looked at him not knowing what to say. How small this world is? I never thought I would meet him again and for him to be Gouenji's cousin is really strange.

"So this is the chick who rejected your advances in the plane." Steven said looking at me from top to bottom.

"Excuse me! I am sorry to say but your words are rude. You can't refer to someone as 'chick'. I am destiny. If you don't know my name you can ask instead of using that kind of phrases."

"Interesting!" He said smirking and I feel something is not right.

"If you can excuse us we have classes to attend. I will see you at home Fidio." Gouenji interrupted ushering me inside.

"Try to be away from that Steven." Gouenji said after we passed hearing distance from them. "I don't feel good about him." I nodded because I felt the same at his last words. So I wasn't wrong about the harshness in his voice while greeting him. I think I am becoming good at reading his emotions. If it's true then I might not have a problem with his stoic face.

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