chapter 3 :Hug it better

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Levi stares at it for a while before picking up the phone and answering


"Levi! You answered! Come back home, Honey I'm worried sick"

"Mum i cant come home you know that" Levi sighs and sits on one of the benches crossing his legs over eachother.
"Erwin will kick me out again".

Erwin is Levi's mothers husband. She married him when Levi was three and has been living with them ever since. Erwin has alot of money and owns a large company. Dispite his public image he is a greedy, selfish man and a demanding husband. He will yell at kuchel and he kicked Levi out of the house. Not that the boy wanted to stick around his poor mothers sugar daddy anyway.

"Please Levi i need to see my baby boy" she sniffs. Clearly shes been lonley only having erwins bad attitude around constantly.

"Ugh, Mum! I can't go back! I dont want to go back either! You need to wake up. You dont need him! You and i both know the only reason you are with him is for his money!" Levi snaps.

This is true. Kuchel dropped out if school due to her unplanned pregnancy to a random man with Levi. Levi has never met his father and doesnt really want to. In highschool kuchel Ackerman was the school slag and slept with anyone and everyone. Her brother, kenny was the schools bully meaning she got away with playing all the boys. But that was highschool. Once she got pregnant she dropped out to look after her baby. Though this ment not alot of money or security. Now she clings to Erwin who provides her with everything she needs. Except her son.

"Levi dont you dare say such things!" She scolds

"Tch" is all she gets as a reaction from her run away son

"Levi?" Eren blinks having of wandered out of the shower against Levi's instructions. He has a towel wrapped around him. He found it lying around and it most likely belongs to someone else in the room. "Are you okay Levi?" Eren asks with a tilt of his head, seeing Levi's sad face. He hugs his legs again wanting to help calm the older boy with his Ereny goodness.

"Whos that?" Kuchel suddenly snaps across the phone "is it your boyfriend?"

"No mum i told you i dont have a boyfriend anymore! He broke up with me because of Erwin!"

Kuchel and levi continue to argue over the phone and Levi's hand finds its way to Eren's head where he ruffles and plays with his hair softly almost as a subconscious comfort mechanism.

The argument soon turns into yelling and Eren can hear a hysterical woman on the other end of the phone. The yelling scares Eren as Levi's yelling is full of emotion and pain. He's upset so eren continues to hug him despite his fear. This goes on until levi finally calms down and takes in a deep breath with all that an be heared on the other end is crying.

"Goodbye mum" Levi says finally and hangs up the phone putting it in his pocket and sniffing once, shaking his head as if attempting to rid emotion and guilt from his mind.

He sighs and looks down at Eren.
"Sorry" he finally speaks in his usual monotone.

Eren shakes his head against Levi's legs.
"Don't say sorry."he says squeezing Levi in his arms.
He wants to comfort Levi through his hard time. Levi more or less did so for him, so he wants to repay the debt. "I will hug you better." He says burying his face into Levi's jeans.

The teenager picks the boy in a towel up and holds him out infront of himself so he can see his face.
"Dont hug me" he says then places Eren on the bench
"I dried your clothes for you they'll be all warm are you dry?" Levi asks pretending the phone call never happened and grabbing Eren his now dry clothes.

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