Hopping onto the stool, I sat.

Next to Dave.

See, Dave was many things around this school.

He was your local cute guy.

Your local mystery

And your local fuck boy.

Essentially, that's him. He was so swallowed by his pride all the time. Always hanging out with people. Choosing whoever he wanted to break their heart.

I was glad he had never spoken to, or even acknowledged me.

And well, now he had no choice.

We were chemistry partners.

So, that changes me how? Everyone hates me that much more for getting to sit beside him.

That changes him how?
It doesn't.

Everyone still loves him

Except me of course.

I probably hate him as much as he hates even having to sit beside a gross person like me.

But I won't tell him that, I'll only hint at it.

My thoughts were interrupted by a teacher calling the roll.

Calling my name.

(F/n) (L/n)?

He called once more

People snickered

I ceased resting my chin on my hand, quickly putting my hands in my lap.

"H-here.." I said raising one of my hands in case he didn't hear me.

"I see where my problem students will be this year.." he said obviously throwing shade at me.

I ran my hand through my hair in frustration, and looked down in my lap, only to see a hand with a note in it, pressing it to my thigh as they walked past me

I looked up, it was Cronus Ampora.

He bullied me alot in my years.

Verbally, physically, and Sexually. On many occasions.

Only once was it ever seriously bad.


I was slammed against the wall in the vacant bathroom.

"Let go of me"

I said in a low voice, signifying reluctance.

I held back tears.

He pinned me to the wall, one hand between my neck and my shoulder.

"Say another vword and see vwhat happens you little bitch."

As tempted as I was to talk, I stayed quiet.

He removed my jacket and pressed his lips against mine, aggressively.

I felt his smirk into the kiss.

A shudder ran up my spine

I was terrified

I had never done this before, and I never imagined it would be with him.

He ran a hand up my shirt.

Just before he dug his hands under my bra, I pleaded.

"Cronus please stop!!" I yelled.

He didn't.

He squeezed one of my breasts hard.


I nearly moaned.

His mouth trailed down to my neck.

Just before he began, he spoke.

"Y'know (L/n) you should havwe told me howv nice your body vwas beforehand"

He said just as he bit and sucked.

I was angry, I wanted him to stop.

I didn't like him one bit, and frankly, it was weird.

He had never acted like this before

Once he was done toying with me, he pushed himself off of me, leaving the bathroom

Leaving me


I was terrified.

I let out a few sobs before cleaning myself up.

Eventually I left the bathroom.

*End of Flashback*

Cronus scared me.

He always had, but only then had I ever been so helpless.

After that happened last year, I feared it would happen again.

Ever since.

Hickeys were left behind on my neck, but that was just another in the collection of bruises and cuts either he, or I have covered myself with.

I just hid them with my hoodie. They were old anyway by now.

I took my hands away from my hair.

My heart was racing with fear as I picked up the note.

The words plunged into my soul.

First day of school and I was already getting a beating.

The note read

Good to know ya havwen't quit school yet, I really vwonder vwhy. Do yourself a favwor and meet me behind the school after school. You shouldn't havwe come back honey. Also, don't evwen think about runnin' avway, I'll find you anyvway.

He smirked as he walked past me.

I scowled, crushing the note in my hands, and shoving it into my pocket.

I knew what would happen if I didn't, but I was NOT meeting with him after school. Not on the first day of school.

First days of school are always boring.

That's why I don't listen to anything they ever say.

I rest my chin on my hand again.

I needed to look away from that douche.

Sadly, there was no escape from douches, I was literally inside of the douche factory.

"How about we each get to know our partners. I will put five questions on the board, and once I start the timer, you will go over them for ten minutes."

Once again,



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