Ch-46 Three Months Later

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"You are the sweetest man I've ever met. I really like you too," I kissed him again, long and hard. Cole walked in and looked at us. Luke glared at him and Cole just ignored him.

"My mom's here," he said and I stood up, gathering the boys. I handed them off to Cole and told him I'd be out in a minute.

He walked out of the room with the boys and I kissed Luke again. "You better go," I said and walked him to the door sending him on his way.

"Hi Carly," I greeted and looked at her holding her grandson. I always look at my babies and tell myself good job because I made those perfect little human beings.

"Oh hi Jessa," she smiled and took Jaxon's pacifier away. "Cole was broke from his pacifier at five months old," she compared my baby to hers again and I wanted to scream. I grabbed the binky from her hand and gave it back to Jax.

"He's allowed to have it for a year. It reduces the risk of SIDS," I said and walked into the kitchen. My mom pulled in the driveway too and I walked to the front door standing in the doorway. I wasn't expecting her.

"Hey Jess, I was just bringing over this lasagna for you," she said and hugged me. "And of course I wanted to see my little grandbabies. She looked me up and down and made a weird face.

"What?" I asked her and she shook her head dismissing the topic so I did too. She came inside and set the lasagna down and said hi to everyone. She stayed for awhile and after about an hour, she pulled me to the side.

"Are you with Cole?" She asked and I shook my head.

"No. I told you I'm interested in Luke," I reminded her.

"Are you sleeping with Luke?" She interrogated me and I shook my head again. "Well then who are you sleeping with?" She questioned.

"Mom why are you asking me this?" I asked frankly and she leaned closer.

"Jessa, I think you're pregnant," she said and I felt a sick feeling in my stomach at her conclusion.

"I can't be. Mama I can't be pregnant again," I shook my head in disbelief and looked at my boys. I was just pregnant six months ago.

"I am not saying it's for sure but I would bet money. Jess how could you be so careless again. Do you think Cole is going to stick around and help raise another man's baby too?" She started scolding me and I shook my head in disbelief. I know I'm not pregnant.

"If I'm pregnant, it's Cole's," I told her and tried not to cry. I don't want another baby, I know I said that about the boys and now I wouldn't trade them for the world but I can't juggle three babies. I cannot.

"What?" She asked in disbelief and then shook her head at me, walking back out into the living room. I'm not pregnant. My boobs hurt and are bigger but that's just because my period is supposed to start any day now.

I haven't thrown up or anything like I did with my first pregnancy so I just know. There is no way I could be pregnant, no way. We used a condom every time and Cole is going to freak out because Whitney is pregnant with his baby and he's had a lot on his plate. He's trying really hard to be a good dad to the boys but adding another baby into the mix will upset that. Cole and I do not need to have three kids together.

The rest of the night I couldn't relax and I didn't get any sleep that night. I don't think I'm pregnant but my mom is always right and she has had a lot of kids to know.

"Morning," Cole said as he poured a cup of coffee. "Want one?" He said, holding up the mug.

"Y-no I'm good," I said, thinking about the potential baby inside of me. "Actually yes," I corrected realizing that I'm not pregnant, it's just my moms suspicion.

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