Chapter 4~Bad Day

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Artemis' POV

I went back home a little wet. Good thing mom didn't notice me because she is actually cooking dinner.

I went up to the bathroom and took a little bath. After that, I wore some clothes and I went down to the dining room. My mom didn't look happy.

"What?" I said. Now she became more angry.

"Why did you come home at this time?" My mom said. Well, it was already like 8:00

"I went to starbucks mom." I said.

"You went to starbucks and went home at this time?" She said

"But mom-" I said but she cut me off.

"No buts young lady! You're grounded!" Noooo! Grounded?! Why?! I walked to my bedroom. With a miserable look on my face.

"Wait! Eat your dinner!" She said nicely. I love my mom so much! She's the best mom EVAH!

"But you're still grounded for a week young lady!" She said making me put back my frown.


I woke up feeling sick. I guess it was because of the rain. I was paralyzed. I can't move.

"Artemis! Wake up! Move! You're going to be late!" She said. I groaned.

"Mom, I don't feel well." I said. I felt my throat very dry and my mom placed her hand on my forehead.

"You're warm." She said. She checked my temperature and I was 39.5

"You're not going to school. You should rest for now." She said. I suddenly slept.

When I woke up, I saw Michael beside me with flowers. I froze. He placed his hand on my forehead but I became warmer.

"I hope you get well soon. I miss you." He said cupping my cheek. His words fluttered me.

I miss you...

A thought came to my mind. Why didn't Keiran do this? But Michael did.

"T-thanks!" I stuttered. Why do I always stutter?

"Anyways, I bought you some chocolates and sweets. And to remind you...umm, it is almost near Valentines Day and those sweets are for Valentines Day. And...Will y-you b-be m-my v-valentine?"

My eyes widened in state of shock. I started blushing like a tomato. Y temperature was rising.

"Yes. I will!" Hihihi. My mind started to wander off.

Michael's POV

I'm glad that I went first than Keiran. Well, I wanted her to be my girlfriend but I wasn't that ready. I still really don't know much about her.

So, I'll see if she's the perfect one. My heart and mind is saying that she's the perfect one.

Okay Michael, enough of my fantasies. I have to go back to reality.

"*cough* *cough* *sniff*"

"Artemis, are you okay?" I asked. She fainted. I called her mom and we brought her to the hospital.

I really hope she's fine. I held her hand tightly. It was so soft and smooth. I felt like I didn'twant to let go of it. Wait!! Whutt? Snap out of it Michael!

Artemis' POV

Wait? Where am I? Am I in the hospital? Noooo! This can't be! All I can see is a blurr, nothing else. Somebody was holding my hand. And it was Michael.

I was still paralyzed. In the hospital again? Why? I hate hospitals. I never liked those.

I suddenly woke up from my dream and...I was in the hospital. Gosh! Why?


Hey guys! Hope ya all liked the chapter! I know it's kinda boring(for me it is) Anyways, feel free to vote, comment and share. It would support me 100x

Love ya guys! PEACEAWT!

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