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The night after Otabek had dropped him off home, Yuri had felt oddly restless unable to concentrate on any homework or to just

sit down and relax.

After the day at work he had, one would've thought that he'd be ready to fall into his bed or a hot bath and not get up for a few hours again.

Instead he'd joined his grandpa for dinner and shrugged him off when Nikolai asked who'd drove him home.

„Just some guy from the Diner, he had a nice bike."

„Yuratchka, you wouldn't do anything stupid, would you boy?"

„No grandpa, don't worry."

Nikolai had left him alone after that, he trusted his grandson and knew that due to their age difference there were a lot of things that he didn't understood, like the makeup or cloths Yuri sometimes wore. But he loved him enough to not give him a hard time about it.

He wouldn't force Yuri to be a certain way, just because he'd been raised differently. As his guardian it was his job to take care of him but he also knew that he had to give him some freedom so he could grow from a boy into a man.

After dinner Yuri had taken a shower to get rid of smelling like frying grease. Dressed in nothing but a towel, he went to sit down on the ground in front of the full body mirror he had in his room to redo his makeup. He used a black eyeliner to draw the sharp wing instead of the soft brown he usually wore to work and put some mascara on his long lashes. He added shiny highlighter to his high cheekbones and put on some dusty pink lip stain, it didn't shimmered like any of his glosses but it would stay on better during the night.
When he was done, he dressed in tight light-blue jeans and a simple white shirt that rode up whenever he moved his arms up.

Slipping into his favorite converse with cheetah print, that he had found at the second hand store, he called out to his grandpa that he would go out for the night, than he squeezed his phone and keys into the tight fabric of his pants.

„Don't stay out too late." Both Yuri and Nikolai knew that the elder didn't really stayed up longer than until 10 and that was a bit early for Yuri to come home already. He was also a deep sleeper meaning that he wouldn't notice his grandson coming home, no matter the time.
Yuri appreciated the trust his grandpa put into him, knowing that he had been given the freedom to do what he wanted as long as he wouldn't got in trouble. He kissed him on the cheek before he went out.

Yuri usually preferred hanging out at the local pubs and bars rather than the club but when he wanted to dance, he went there. The Carmen was always full of strangers and tourists and he enjoyed the anonymity of dancing among them. When they looked at him they did it out of interest, envy or want. Not because we was the weird kid in a small town without parents that wore girl cloths and got into arguments all the time.
As always, the only money he left at the Club was the one he paid at the entrance to be let in, he and a group of pretty girls had been invited inside without being asked for I.D's.

For the rest of the night he relied on the drinks strangers bought for him. It usually went something like this:

„Hey can I buy you a drink?"

„Yeah sure, beer please." He wanted to dance, not get wasted.

If whoever had bought him a drink turned out to be tolerable or even hot, he would stick around for a bit or ask to dance before leaving sooner or later.
If they weren't, he would just take his free drink with a thanks and disappear into the crowd of dancing people immediately, hoping to get lost in the sea of people altogether. It usually worked.

That night he didn't feel like any kind of talking, so he danced until his shirt stuck to his shoulders damply and he had to move his hair away from his neck to get the hot skin there to cool off.
With closed eyes he got lost in the trace-like music and danced with everyone who touched him.
Fingers brushing over his bare hips, hands running over his upper arms, someone brushing through his hair.

Yuri couldn't explain the difference between the people touching him at the club and some pervs groping him at the Diner, he hadn't verbally consented to either but felt like he still allowed even enjoyed it while dancing.

to be young and in love (Otayuri AU)Where stories live. Discover now