Chapter 21.5: Here Comes Trouble

Start from the beginning

The idea of going to the restroom with Sophia is a little bit improbable for me, but it’s acceptable at the same time. I’d rather go with her, than with Harry.

“Hey Sophia?” I call her; she’s sitting beside Liam who’s just two seats away from me. Niall, Liam, and she turn their head upon the mention of her name and look at me quizzically. I dismiss the other two lads and focus my gaze on Sophia’s eyes, “Mind coming to the restroom with me?”

Without any hesitation, she says “Yeah,” She breathes out nodding, “Sure.”

I smile at her and she smiles back. It’s kind of weird for a little while but then I realize that she’s really nice. I have been nothing but rude to her and I feel a bit guilty, but something inside tells me that I feel this way because my anger is focused on somebody else at the moment. But I dismiss it right away and stand up as soon as she gathers her purse and stands up as well.

She excuses herself from the lads and so did I. I have to lift my skirt up from the floor a bit as I walk up the aisle ahead of her and she follows me. Soon as we reach the hallway, I spot the arrows from the walls leading to the direction of the restrooms.

We walk beside each other this time, and we smile at each other trying to ease up the awkward silence. But obviously, we’re failing. It’s still awkward being with her, considering the behaviour I displayed from the first time we met.

“You know, I’ve always admire your photos in the magazines,” She starts a conversation while we walk along the hallway, and I am so much more eager to find the restroom now. There was sincerity in her voice when she says that, making me feel guiltier than I already was.

“Hmm, really?” I ask as that’s the only thing I could muster at the moment.

“Well, yeah… Even before I knew you were dating Harry,” and that’s when I melt. I look at her, arching my brows in utter surprise. She catches my expression and she nods at me genuinely. Okay, so what now?

I smile at the ground saying, “Thank you,” It took many considerations in my mind before I can admit to myself that I really mean them.

She only smiles and shake her head a bit, “Oh here you are,” She raises her voice softly and I trail her sight to the narrow passageway leading to the restroom. She seems to be intimidated by the cold air as well because I sense her relief when we reached the room finally. It was probably the longest 35-meter walk of my entire life.

Once I get out of the stall after doing something in privacy, I trot to the big rectangular mirror by the sink. Sophia is still in one of them so I start retouching while waiting for her. As I dab a light foundation on my cheek, one door opens and a tall blonde girl emerges from one stall. I couldn’t be more exasperated by anyone’s presence in the small room. Even Sophia’s couldn’t match as the cause of my annoyance when she starts to walk towards my direction.


She lifts the skirt of her blue bodycon dress from the floor with one hand, and the other hand holds a purse. I try to seem unaffected by her presence, but my annoyance just increases as she goes straight to the mirror and opens her purse there.

She doesn’t seem to recognize me for a while; maybe she doesn’t even recognize me at all. She opens the little tube that contains her lipstick, roll it up and lather it on her lips. She pops her lips curtly, and smiles at herself after. I just stand there doing my own thing, while my subconscious observes her actions.

“Oh hey!” I jump a little when she calls out someone’s attention. I look to my other side but there’s no one, there’s actually no one else– except Sophia whose still inside a stall and God knows what she is still doing there – in the room. Could she be talking to me? With utter confusion, I turn my face to her anyway and gaze at her awkwardly.

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