Chapter five

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The sound of gushing water caused their ears to perk up.

Just abit more after this river.

Bullets continued flying past their heads as the three of them sank their feet into the water, balancing their way through the not-easily visible rocks that spread across the river in the dark.

The water level was slowly declining with each step. They were almost past the river. They were going to make it -----.

A sharp pain stung his back as he stumbled forward. He reached towards the contact point, feeling thick liquid flowing out.


He felt his footsteps slowing, just as two arms reached out from both his sides and placed his arm on their shoulders.

"Keep moving Thomas, we're getting there!"

Mark's words were barely audible as his vision began blurring as well. It was a struggle to even keep his eyes open, much less focus on the view around him.

He kept moving his feet, trying not to slow the group down.

"Keep going, we'll make it there!"

"We're not leaving you behind so don't you dare pull us down!"

His friend's encouragements tore through his brain as every inch of his soul held on to stay awake.

He was not going to lose consciousness now. Not after he watched his other teammates fall. He was going to secure the Hilltop and give credit to the sacrifices of his friends.

He was going to live.

"Look at the smoke, I think that the assault's started already "

"Nah, there's no more gunfire. The attack's probably over."

"Oh shit actually I think our pursuers have stopped too."

Thomas felt the other two come to a halt, and then headed towards their destination again.

"Medic! We need a medic!" Bora screamed as the group neared the site. Thomas was still supported by his friends, while his feet barely dragged across the floor.

He felt his shirt, now almost entirely soaking with blood.

Footsteps rushed towards the group.

"One, two, up!"

Tom felt air gushing out of his lungs as he was heaved on top of what he guessed was a stretcher.

Now that he had safely reached their new camp, he only had one desire----- to sleep.

Sleep. For a long time. Maybe eternity?

NO! No, no, stay awake.

Tired though, maybe just for a little while?

"Stay with us Tom!"

Shouts erupted from all sides as palms pressed hard onto the open wound on his back.

His eyelids struggled to stay open, as if they had weights hung from them.

Thomas thought about all the sufferings he had just witnessed.

The lifeless soldiers that were still below the cold, bloodied waters. Nathan laying on the field. His buddies now just piles of burnt meat. Trevor. Trevor. TREVOR.

He had let them down. All of them.

And now, he had one price to pay.

He was on his way to meet them.

With that, he muttered two last words before he stopped his fight with his eyelids and drifted to sleep.

"Fight on."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2017 ⏰

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