Chapter 1

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As the metal boat continued its path on the waters, Thomas clutched on to his cross-shaped necklace, hands trembling while he listened closely to his trepidating heart. Cold beats trickled down his forehead as his eyes darted along the horizon, squinting for hints of movement on the shores of Harriot Beach, vision clouded by the dark night.

His battalion had been assigned to carry out a stealth mission and secure Harriot Hilltop till daylight, where his remaining allies would arrive as reinforcements.

Beside him, Trevor was saying a silent prayer for his section mates aboard the small, tinted metal boat. Mark was closing his eyes, trying to remain calm by concentrating on the melodic waves that splashed on the sides of the boat.

While everyone else seemed anxious, Bora was grinning from ear to ear. He had trained two years for one sole purpose ---- to kill (although he had no prior experience to this).

Thomas remained glued to his surroundings, spotting a tiny yet glowing white light shining in the distance. A watchtower.

Luckily for now, it seems that the enemy had not spotted the spread of boats that was soon reaching the shore, since there was no visible signs of panic breaking out.

Tom was not the only one that saw the potential danger, as the other section commanders on the other boats readied their men, upon orders of the battalion commander that was giving hand signals.

"Guys, put on your headgear and load your weapons. Stick to the plan and remain calm. Once we get hold of the hill, we just need to hold them off till daybreak. Easy peasy. Everybody ready?"

Nods followed.

Tom hoped that his speech would at least ease the nerves of his men whom were all looking grim and stern, uncertain whether they would get through the night.

"Oh, one more thing"

The crew looked up again, wondering if there was anything else that their section commander had left out earlier.

"Try not to die."

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