Chapter 7 Embers of Animosity

Start from the beginning

How could a mate, the one destined to be your other half, be so spiteful? What had I done to deserve this torment? The bitter irony of my situation stung—why couldn't I have a semi-normal life where my mate loved and cherished me, and I him?

Exhausted, I leaned my back against the wall, gazing at the indifferent ceiling, searching for solace in its blankness.

After what felt like an eternity, the room door creaked open. Anticipating Lucifer's return, I was met with a cruel surprise—his father entered, flanked by two guards. I looked at him, my eyes red and puffy from the incessant crying.

"Take her," he ordered, the cold command sending a shiver down my spine.

"What?!" I gasped, the panic rising within me.

The two men approached with silver chains, glinting ominously in the dim light. I tried to flee, but they swiftly closed in, one restraining me while the other secured the unforgiving chains. I fought desperately, but the silver weakened me, draining my strength.

Undeterred, I continued my struggle until black spots danced around my vision, each thud resonating in my ears before darkness consumed me.

He wasn't bluffing. He truly desired my demise.

I awoke, disoriented, realizing I was trapped within a substantial cage, just enough space for one person. The attempt to touch the sides met with a jolt of electricity, making me whimper in pain.

The world around me had transformed into a surreal nightmare, and as I grappled with the harsh reality of my captivity, the cage became both a physical and metaphorical manifestation of the entrapment that bound my fate.

"Tsk tsk tsk, touch them and you're cooked," Lucifer's dad taunted, a sinister grin playing on his lips. The cage, now a menacing prison, seemed to pulse with an ominous energy. I stared at him, bewilderment etched across my face. The air within the cage carried the acrid scent of blood, triggering a visceral reaction that made me cringe and cry harder. This was the place where werewolves met their end.

"My son has been getting a little fond of you, bitch. Teenagers," he snarled, the irony of his words amplifying the horror of my situation. A desperate glare was all I could muster.

"Kill me, but spare my family," I begged, my voice trembling with desperation.

"Sorry, darling, but no can do. Werewolves must remain as fairytales. They are dangerous," he stated, dismissing my plea with a cold indifference. His laughter echoed through the bleak space, a twisted melody that resonated with the impending doom.

"They're not," I growled, my defiance undeterred.

"View it in this way, you die, they die. Family reunion in paradise," he chuckled, the callousness of his words slicing through the air like a chilling wind.

"Boys, take her out of the cage, interrogation time," he commanded.

Two men emerged, escorting me out of the cage, chaining me up with an unsettling efficiency. Guards flanked me, pulling on my arms with a ruthless grip.

"Tell me how we can find where all packs are situated," he demanded, the sinister edge in his voice betraying his ruthless intent.

"Never!" I raged, clinging to my refusal even in the face of impending torture.

That's when the searing pain hit me—electricity coursed through my body, and a thick belt lashed against my skin. The agony unleashed a guttural scream from the depths of my being.

"I don't know," I lied, my voice strained.

"Don't lie to me!" he shouted, delivering a brutal slap across my face with another whip of the belt, forcing me into a painful submission. The brutal dance of interrogation had just begun.

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