Chapter 12

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I am in my room changing into something cool. I've decided to go and soak up some sun. Loki says he'll soak up some shade. I laughed at the joke when he made it, though I know it really isn't all that funny.

I think of ways I can prepare for Thanos' arrival.

Suddenly, an idea comes to was only 50 years ago that I discovered my influence over fire...whose to say I may not have influence over something else as well?


I hurriedly throw on the tank top I'm holding and rush out of my room. Loki is waiting for me by the stairs in a dark green t-shirt and khakis. I note in the back of my mind that he's gained a decent amount of weight now.

"C'mon." I say distractedly.

He obliges and leads the way to the meadow, which is now once again bathed in sunlight. He leans against a tree and watches me as I step into the light.

What to try...

I think of when I discovered each of my abilities. Plants were totally natural, it was immediate, it was easy.

Water came not long after... I was actually on a boat that began to sink. Water came from desperation, and then grew into the influence I know with time.

Fire. Fire was a complete accident. Fire was when I was alone. I was angry. It was dark, and I found my hand growing warm. I remember how it felt when the first small flame appeared in the palm of my hand.

I kick off my shoes glancing at the god whose now staring at me curiously.

I close my eyes, focusing on the ground below me. I try to connect with the earth, urging it to move, to bend, to do...something.

I try to move a pebble sitting by my feet. I focus. My forehead wrinkles with concentration and I bite my lip slightly. After a little, I crack my eyes open and....


"Exactly what are you trying to do?" Loki calls from the edge of the clearing.

"Shut up, Loki." I blow a strand of hair from my eyes and freeze.

I wonder....

I once again squeeze my eyes shut. I imagine the air moving calmly, a cool wind blowing the hair from my face.

A small breath of wind blows the hair from my face.

My eyes shoot open.

No. Way.

Okay I gotta test this.

I cast a sideways glance at Loki, who has no idea of the epicness that is occurring. I raise my hands to my chest, my palms facing outwards. This time, I imagine one cold burst of wind gathering in front of me, building up power.

The air in front of me turns chilly and the fabric of my top begins to flutter violently against my body.

Loki's brow furrows, confused by the sudden pocket of wind.

With a deep breath, I push the air forward, successfully knocking Loki on his ass.

My hand shoots up to cover my mouth as I laugh breathlessly, "Well, I'll be damned..."

I walk over and help Loki to his feet.

"You could have warned me." Loki accused as he brushes himself off.

"Wasn't thinking about it. Sorry." I'm still in awe. I didn't think it would actually work.

"So what, wind?" He asks quizzically.

I nod, "Air."


I chuckle, "I was actually trying to move a rock." I explain. "Air is easier than I would've expected...maybe because it's always moving anyway."

He looks at me strangely, "You are still discovering new abilities?"

"Yeah, Loki. I think I will be for quite some time." I say thoughtfully.

"But you could not move the rock." He smirks.

I raise an eyebrow, "No. No I could not move the rock."

"How is air going to hold any sort of power?" He inquires.

I bite my lip, "Well, it knocked you down." I say pointedly.

"Yes," he acknowledges, "but I am not Thanos."

I look at the ground, thinking.

"I don't know...but maybe it will come in handy." I mumble. 

"Perhaps." He agrees halfheartedly.

I shrug and step back out into the little clearing. I lay down on my back and shut my eyes, enjoying the gentle warmth of the sun.

I will enjoy this peace.

Though I know it won't last long.

A Very Unlikely Tale // LokiWhere stories live. Discover now