Chapter 11- Dog Days

Start from the beginning

“Well don’t feel pressured. It’s like breakfast time, only much later into the day.” I tell her leaving her be to change.

“Thanks hotshot.” I heard her shout out sarcastically as I left.

I grinned standing by the stares listening to her grumble to herself. “Hey meet us outside in the backyard when you’re done changing.” I invite her so she wouldn’t stay in the house alone, by herself in the guest room.

“Who says I want to be with you and your smelly ass?” She responds. I could only picture the smile stretching on her face as she thought that would piss me off.

“My ass smells because of you and your silly string prank; so endure it now.” I blame playfully, “Come outside.” I order for the last time. I didn’t wait for her to respond as I walked down the stairs. Josh was waiting for me outside in the backyard with a soccer ball ready to play.

*Sky’s POV*


I decided to leave Jeremy and Josh to be so they could bond a little bit. Instead, I stayed in my room, cleaning up and bit while balancing my phone on my ear talking to the girls. Paige went back home for the week. Jade went up to her family’s lake house in New Hampshire. Carly flew down to Miami, meeting up with her mom and sister for a beach getaway. That lucky girl is going to come back to College tanned and rub it in all of our faces. So we all were doing something this break. I’m happy about that. It would suck to stay alone for a week on campus. Talk about a miserable spring break.

I was organizing the room as everyone told little stories about their vacation so far. Of course everyone was asking me a million and one questions. They all remembered very well where I was spending my break and with whom. I was putting some clothes away neatly in the bureau as Carly excitedly told us what she was doing at the moment. Obviously, she was laying on the beach in her bikini.

“I’m sipping out of an actual coconut! This is my first time and it’s so good!” She squealed joyfully.

“Ew coconut.” I disagreed, crinkling my nose up in disgust even though no one could see me.

“Oh shut up Sky you’re just jealous.” She mocked, “You wish you were sipping out of a coconut like me.”

“Nah I really do hate coconut.” I said still defending my statement. Coconut taste like you’re eating hair; it’s gross.

“Can you not splash water in my direction! Kay thanks!” Jade shouted aggregately, “Yeah I’m on the phone, stop before you get it wet.”

“Someone’s not having fun in lake side paradise.” Paige giggled. “No mom I don’t want to knit with you!”

I chuckled at both of them. “You guys seem to be having bunches of fun.” I comment leaning over the bed as I pulled the sheets.

“My mom has asked me five times if I want to knit with her and I’ve said no all five times.” Paige explained with an annoyed growl. “So what’s up with you? You haven’t mentioned anything and we don’t hear anything going on.” She inquired.

“Yeah spill some of your beans!” Jade egged on.

“Oo, Jeremy time.” Carly cooed interestedly.

I rolled my eyes at all of them, “There’s nothing to tell. He’s hanging out with his little brother outside.”

They all awed and once again I rolled my eyes. They’re such girls. “Does the little one look like a mini Jeremy Coleman?” Jade asked quickly.

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