"I'll be right back, okay?" I just nod at him, a smile on my face. I just stand under the hot water, feeling myself relaxing. I don't know how long I stand there, but Daniel walks back into the bathroom. He grins when he still sees me standing there.

"Where you waiting for me or something?" he asks, making me giggle.

"Are you joining me?" I ask. Daniel looks at me with wide eyes.

"You know what normally happens when we shower together. We've never just showered" Daniel says while chuckling.

"First time for everything, right?" I ask, moving to the side so there is room for Daniel. Daniel sighs, before taking off his shirt and his other clothing items. He moves into the shower, staring at me.

"I don't even know what to do now" Daniel says, making me laugh harder.

"Wash my hair for me?" I ask him, handing him a bottle of shampoo. Daniel nods and I turn around. I feel Daniel's hands softly move through my hair, massaging the shampoo into it. I close my eyes, enjoying the feeling. I lean back into Daniel a little more, making him chuckle.

"You like this, don't you?" he softly asks, his hands still moving through my long hair.

"Yeah" I just say, not able to say more as I'm fully relaxed and in a trance.

"I'll do this more often then"


"Yeah, for you, everything" I want to turn around to him, but he turns me back. I giggle as he grabs the shower head and washes the shampoo out of my hair. When he's done, I turn around to face him.

"Can you wash mine?" Daniel asks, a grin on his face. He knows I love his hair, so he already knows my answer. I grab his shampoo and get some on my hand. Daniel tries to move down a bit so I can reach his hair, as he is way taller than I am. I just move my hands through his hair, feeling him relax as well.

"Nice, huh?" Daniel just nods his head, completely relaxed as well. I smile, washing the shampoo out. My eyes land on the red marks on his back, making me softly trace them. Daniel flinches slightly when I touch the biggest one, but relaxes under my touch again.

"I really am sorry for them, Daniel. They must hurt like crazy" I mumble. Daniel turns around and gives me a kiss.

"Don't worry about it babe. Totally worth it. Besides, they'll heal" I just nod slowly, feeling guilty.

"We should go get ready and eat something" Daniel says, turning off the shower. I instantly shiver and Daniel quickly hands me a towel. I wrap it around me and sigh. Daniel quickly dries himself off and puts on clean underwair. I follow his lead and dry off, wrapping a towel around my hair. I walk after Daniel into the room. I quickly grab some lotion for Daniel's back, hoping that will slightly help.

Right before Daniel wants to put on a shirt, I stop him.

"Hold on" I say, opening the lotion. Daniel stands still, not knowing what I am going to do. I softly put some on his back, making him flince once again. I just put the lotion on all the marks, making Daniel relax now as well.

"That feels good" Daniel mumbles, making me smile. I finish and give Daniel a kiss. I put on my own clothes now, before staring at the breakfast Daniel got for us. He chuckles and lets me eat, smiling at me as I do so.

We finish getting ready, my hair is dry and my make-up is done. Daniel is putting our suitcase on the floor and smiles at me. I grab my bag that holds our passports and other important documents. I put my phone in there as well, feeling ready for another flight.

Haunting - Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now