Chapter 3

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Dear Diary,
I met a handsome guy today his name is Damon. That's all I can think about is Damon this Damon That. I can remember his Jet black hair and precious blue eyes along with his wonderful fair skin. I was so lucky to have my car stop then and there in the middle of nowhere just I meet Damon. I think I have a crush. Wow I have a crush, on a certain Damon... wait I just realized I don't even know his last name. Well then, I guess I will take a nap and dream about Damon. Damon, Damon, Damon. I can feel myself drifting to.... Sorry Diary, Got to go my nap break was just interrupted by Elena, we have to wash up or dinner, thanks for listening to me talk about Damon.

Miranda 💘

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