Cursed - Chapter Eleven

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"Okay, we need to talk."

"So talk," I said, picking at my lunch.

"Not here," said Amelia.

I rolled my eyes. She was always so dramatic.

"You're not well, Perdy."

"Gee, thanks."

"I mean it, I've been thinking about this for the past three weeks but I can't take it anymore; you have serious bags under your eyes. Look at Nathan, he's the same. I bet you're feeling weak all the time. I bet you dream like every single night. About Nathan. I bet I'm right about a lot of things."

"What are you babbling about, Amelia?" I yawned loudly.

"See?" she said, triumphantly.

"I don't get your point anyway," I said.

"I know. But listen, he's coming back, so can I come over to your house later?"


"But don't tell anyone," she added mysteriously. I honestly didn't know what was going on with Amelia half the time. She pointedly changed the subject when Nathan sat back down. He looked at me quizzically. I shrugged.

"Your sister, you figure her out."

I had almost forgotten about Amelia acting insane when she knocked on my door that evening. I brought her straight up to my room because Dad and Gran were both at home. She messed about with my makeup for a few minutes until I got bored.

"Are you here for a reason then?"

She bit her lip. "Yeah."


"I have to tell you stuff."


"Weird stuff."

"Would you ever get on with it then?" I said, exasperated.

She opened up her schoolbag and took out a bunch of books, leaving them on my desk.

"You need to read these."

"Eh, okay . . . ."

"Seriously, when I'm gone, you're going to be mad at me and upset and you're not going to believe me so you have to read these."

I looked back at her in silence. I had no clue what kind of a trip she was on. She twisted the bracelets on her arms before taking a deep breath and starting to talk.

"Do you believe in supernatural things?"

"What, like ghosts?"

"Yes, well, no actually. Other things."


She shook her head in frustration. I looked back at her blankly.

"Okay, just pretend for a few minutes that things like werewolves are real."

I couldn't help laughing at her. "Okay, Amelia, let's pretend."

"Alright, listen to this then, like you believe. In 1672, a man was bitten by a wolf. His dog, a wolfhound, saved his life and he survived. But then he changed into a werewolf unexpectedly and he couldn't control himself. His instincts forced him to feed so he turned to the nearest easy prey. Humans. His wolfhound protected his family from him so he attacked the closest unprotected humans around. They were a tribe of Romani gypsies. One of the girls who died was the daughter of the elder. He was in charge and she was his favourite daughter. You with me so far?"

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