Locker Kiss

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And we're back to Monday. Eh. On the drive over, CJ just kept blabbering about Rolando's party and how lame it was. I pretty much just blocked out everything he was saying and watched the trees go by out the window. Once we got to school, I was expecting Carli to greet me like she always does. But she doesn't. I looked all around, thinking maybe she was just sick or something. But I found her. She was hanging at the other end of the hall with Yvanna. She's by far the most popular girl in school, so I wanted nothing to do with her. And I seriously wondered what business she and Carli had together. I walk over to them and say hi to Carli. "Hey Carli. You weren't at the door, I was wondering where you were." I said. "Here I am." She said, less than friendly. I blink. "Um, is something up?" I asked. "Why don't you ask your bestie." She growls. "What do you mean? I am asking my bestie. You." "You sure? Because I called and texted you, like, a million times and you never answered. I called your house and asked your parents if you were sick or something, and they said you were with Dalton." I try my best not to roll my eyes. Is she seriously jealous of Dalton? We aren't even dating! "Carli-" "Don't. Why don't you go cry to your precious Dalton!" Carli marches off. Yvanna smirks at me and followed. Some friend she is. I thought she'd be happy for me. Isn't she the one all gaga about love? And where did that attitude come from? This isn't Carli. At all.

"Vanessa?" Dalton whispers to me in Study Hall. "Huh?" I ask, jumping at the sudden sound of his voice. "Are you ok? You seem down." "It's nothing. Girl stuff. You probably wouldn't care." "Well if it's hurting you..." "I'm fine." I reply. But I can feel that I'm not. I felt like I would burst any moment. "Mr. Reed, may I be excused?" I ask, already getting up. I really hope he said yes, but either way, I was already out the door. I run down the hall and stop to take a breather. "Vanessa?!" Dalton calls, running to me with his vampire speed. "Vanessa, what's wrong?" He asks in a kind, soothing voice. He was blurry through my tearful eyes. "Carli. I...I don't know... She was ups-set because I-I didn't answer h-her calls and...and..." I can't even finish and Dalton sees that. He brings me in a freezing cold hug, but it felt good. I was starting to heat up from crying and breathing hard. "Hey, it's ok. It's ok! She was probably just being influenced from that Yvanna girl. She probably got in Carli's head." Dalton runs one hand up and down my back and pats my head with the other. My breathing eased, and I felt I could fall asleep like this, standing and all. "Want to go somewhere more private?" He asks. I nod, and her leads me to one of the bigger lockers in the school.

He doesn't even use the combination, he just hits it and it pops open. "In here?" I ask. He nods, smiling. "Don't worry, there's plenty of space. Whoever uses this one has hardly anything in it." He steps up in it, then helps me in. It's dark except the light coming through the slots after he closes it. "Do you come here often?" I asked. He smiles and laughs. "Sometimes. And hey, if Carli seriously dumps you for hanging with other people, then she's no friend." Dalton says, and he looks serious. "Thanks." I let out a breath. "So..." I said awkwardly. He's just starting at me, and it's kind of making me uncomfortable. "Big locker." I said. Suddenly he's leaning towards me, looking for a kiss. What do I do?! Is the first thing that pops in my head. Duh, you idiot! Lean forward too! Tilt your head...and kiss! I follow my own instructions and close my eyes. I feel his breath on my face. Thank god he's so flawless! Bad breath was always my biggest fear for my first kiss, whether mine or his. My heart races as our lips touch lightly. He wraps his hands around my waste, and I wrap mine around his neck, as if we were dancing. Things get a little more forceful when I back to the side of the locker. We pause a moment to breathe, but that didn't last long. We're back as soon as possible, and I feel his fangs graze my bottom lip. I completely forgot why I was upset. Carli who? I laughed in my head.

Suddenly the locker door swings open. A kid with red hair and glasses stares at us. We both stop and turn, not separating from each others grasp. "Uh...can I have my History binder?" The kid asks. I restrain from laughing as Dalton grabs the binder labeled History and hands it to the boy. He nods. "Carry on." Then closes the door. I can't help but laugh, and so does Dalton. "Where were we? Right, I remember." Dalton says, and leans over to kiss me once more.

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