You eventually found him and looked for a place to stand to wait for the Corps to come back. You eventually found some boxes to stand on.

After a few minutes the bells rang signalling the return of the soldiers. You and Oliver looked around looking for Maya. Spotting her you dragged Oliver behind you as you ran up to her horse.

"Hey guys whats up? Besides me of course." She joked. She jumped down off of her horse but you noticed something off about her. You saw that she had a blood stain on her right leg and she was limping.

"Maya what are you doing? You're hurt, get back on your horse!" you told her with a nervous tone in your voice.

"[f/n], no I'm fine. Really it's just a scratch." she replied nonchalantly.

You stared at her too stunned to speak. You continued to walk with her and Oliver until you felt someone grab your arm. Next thing you knew you were on the captain's black mustang.

"Really, Captain?" Maya sighed with annoyance as she took the hint. She continued to bring Oliver and herself up onto her tan mare.

Your mind begins to change quickly as the nightmare takes over.

Next thing you knew you were crying in Rita's arms as she was looking for a Garrison to guarantee your safety on a boat. Eventually she found a woman that she remembered as Rico. Rico picked you up onto her shoulder, and told you not to look back. Not listening you looked up only to see Rita in a titan's grasp. Seeing that you saw this, she mouthed the words "I love you." Then she was ripped apart and eaten. Rico had reached a boat by then, letting you down.

You walked toward the center and just sat down, remembering the last words of your newly dead sister, "[f/n], listen to me. Whatever happens to me, just know that it's not your fault."

You noticed that the people sitting next to you were the kids from that morning. They were talking to another boy that looked about your age. He had blonde hair and light blue eyes. You recognized him from the many trips to the library you had taken when Rita and Maya were busy with training or, in Maya's case, on an expedition. You would choose the library to go because of the lack of people there but you never failed to see that boy there. You found it quite cute that every time you would go you would every once in awhile find him looking up at you from his seat.

You hadn't realized the cut on your face from some debris that hit you. You also hadn't noticed Eren, Mikasa, and the other boy walking up to you.

"Hey, your cheek has a pretty bad gash and it's bleeding a lot." You heard a voice, guessing it was Eren, from in front of you.

You touched your cheek, then looked at your red stained fingers. "Oh, yeah." you mumbled.

"Here, let us help." Eren said in a calm voice.

Before you could give her permission, Mikasa held a cloth up to your cheek. You put your hand on it as she took hers away.

"Thanks." you said in a quiet voice looking down at the wooden floor under you.

"No problem. Hey we've seen you before haven't we?" Eren asked.

Not knowing what to say you just gave a nervous "Umm, I don't know. I normally stay close to the Garrison posts so, umm..." your voice trailed off.

"Yeah you were at the gate earlier with that one member." you flinched at the mention of Rita. "And we also saw you walking with the Corps down the street with that other woman." he stated in an as-a-matter-of-fact voice.

"Yeah" you let out a soft reply.

"It's [f/n] right? I'm Eren. This is Mikasa." He pointed to the girl on his left. "And that's Armin." He pointed to the boy on his right.

It's Not Your Fault- Armin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now