Chapter 10

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Zoe's POV

"Louise! Tan! Can you come here a minute?" I yelled from the bathroom. It was about 7pm and we had all decided to go out for a meal, instead of attempting to cook. While the boys were all ready and waiting downstairs, us girls were still putting the finishing touches to our looks. Louise and Tanya appeared in the bathroom door, both in brand new dresses. "Is this dress too tight, do you think?" I asked, twirling round to give them a better view. "Oh my god, Chummy!" Louise exclaimed, clapping her hands together. "You look amazing. So gorgeous!" Tanya added, reaching out to stroke my dress. I smiled, before asking "do you think everyone will like it?" Louise smiled, seeing straight through my words to what I truly meant. "Alfie will love it, Chummy. You look super sexy!" After making a couple of last minute changes to our hair, the three of us made our way downstairs and into the living room where the boys were waiting.

Alfie's POV

I looked up from my phone as I heard the girls enter the room. My eyes immediately fixing on Zoe. She looked incredible. She was wearing a tight fitting dress, that hugged her curves in all the right places. "Zoe, you look... Wow. That dress is - I mean - you look beautiful" I stuttered, my eyes running up and down her body. She smiled, blushing slightly at my compliment, while Marcus, Jim and Joe tried to stifle their laugher at my apparent inability to speak at this moment in time. "Can we just hurry up and leave? The taxis are waiting" Joe grumbled, interrupting my thoughts on Zoe. We all stood up, hurrying out of the door, grabbing keys, bags and shoes on our way.

I slipped into the back of one of the taxis with Zoe on one side of me and Marcus on the other. I lightly brushed Zoe's thigh with my fingertips, causing her to look up at me and flash me a cheeky grin. I glanced at Marcus, who was staring at his phone. I took advantage of the fact that he wasn't paying attention to us, and leant down to press my lips against Zoe's shoulder, my hands moving up her thighs to her hips. "Can't you keep your hands off her for two seconds?" Marcus sighed, turning to look at us. "At least wait until I'm not sitting so close to you" he said with a laugh. I rolled my eyes at him, kissing Zoe's cheek swiftly as the car pulled up outside the restaurant.

Zoe's POV

The waitress placed the largest pizza I'd ever seen down in front of me, causing my eyes to widen and Jim to joke "someone's not going to fit into that dress after eating enough to feed the entire population of China!" Alfie removed his arm from around the back of my chair to poke my waist. "You'll never manage all of that, Little One!" he laughed. I shook my head, and agreed with him, admitting most of it would be coming back home with me.

A while later, I put down my knife and fork, leaning back against my chair and exhaling. I don't remember the last time I felt this full. I looked down, secretly very pleased that my stomach hadn't expanded and I still fitted comfortably in my dress. "Here, Zoe, try this" Alfie said, holding his fork with a piece of steak on the end. "No, I'm too full!" I moaned, trying to swat his hand away. He wasn't having any of it. He laughed, holding my face still with one hand while moving the fork towards my lips with the other. I kept them tightly shut, giggling until he gave up, putting down the fork and wrapping his arm around my shoulder, to stop me from escaping, while tickling my neck with his other hand. "Alfie, stop!" I whispered as his lips replaced his fingers. "What if a viewer see's?" He glanced up at me, a frustrated look in his eyes. "Zoe! It's so hard to control myself when you're looking this damn sexy!" he muttered, frowning as I let out a giggle.

Alfie's POV

"So where's everyone sleeping tonight?" Marcus asked, as we made our way through Zoe's front door. "Well we thought Jim and Tan could have my room, Louise is going in Joe's room, which leaves you, me, Alfie and Joe to sleep in the living rom?" I smiled, glad of an opportunity to cuddle with Zoe, ruined only by the fact that Marcus and Joe would be in the same room. We sat chatting in the living room for a while before bed. Zoe was sat at the opposite end of the sofa, with Jim in between us. I barely joined in the conversation, all I could think about was kissing Zoe. "I think we're going to go to bed now" Tanya said, pulling Jim up and wishing us all goodnight. "Yes, me too. I need my beauty sleep" Louise joked, heading up the stairs. Marcus went to get changed for bed, while Joe went to bring down duvets and pillows for us. Zoe and I were finally alone.

I shifted along the sofa until I was next to her. Wasting no time in slipping my arms around her waist and pressing my lips against hers. "I've been waiting all evening to do this" I whispered against her lips, leaning forward, making Zoe lie back on the sofa, and hovering over her. "Alfie... Joe could walk in any minute now" she warned, but kissed me again, her grip tightening on the back of my shirt. "I don't care" I mumbled, kissing along her jawline, my hands moving up from her hips to play with her hair. I just wanted to kiss her forever, but we were forced to spring apart as Marcus and Joe re-entered the room. They settled down the duvets and pillows, pushing me and Zoe off the sofa, in what was clearly a planed move, before claiming a sofa each to sleep on. This left me and Zoe to make ourselves comfortable on the floor.

Zoe's POV

"Zoe? Are you awake?" I opened my eyes slowly, rolling over, sleepily mumbling "yes" and glancing at time on my mobile, which was lying next to me on the floor. 3 am. I wondered what Alfie was still doing awake as I felt him shuffle along the floor to be closer to me, the cold air briefly circling my back as he lifted up my duvet. The warmth, however, was instant as he snuggled under the duvet as well, pressing his chest against my back. I looked up to check Joe and Marcus were both asleep, before turning over so I was facing Alfie. He chuckled as I shivered, and instinctively wrapped his arms around me. He glanced from my eyes to my lips and back again. "Are you going to kiss me or what?" I teased, smiling as he brought his lips down to mine. After a few minutes the kiss became more heated. Alfie rolled over, gripping onto my hips and pulling me on top of him. He brushed my hair away from my neck, before kissing it, moving down my shoulder. "Alfie, stop. We can't with Marcus and Joe in the room!" I whispered as his hand moved underneath my top. He groaned in frustration. "Zoe, I don't think you understand how much I want you." I blushed, glad of the dark, but annoyed that we weren't alone. "Not tonight, Alfie. Not until we're alone". He kissed me again. "Yeah, I guess you're right" he murmured, rolling us onto our sides and snuggling closer to me, guiding my head onto his chest. "Night, Alfie" I said, giving him a quick peck on the lips. "Goodnight, Little One" he whispered, tightening his arms around my waist as I closed my eyes.

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