Chapter 11

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Zoe's POV

"Do you think they're awake?" I woke up to the sound of Joe whispering, presumably to Marcus. I had my back to them, my head still resting on Alfie's chest, one of his arms wrapped around my waist, the other on my hip. I opened one eye, turning my head slightly, trying not to wake Alfie, and glared at Joe and Marcus who were leaning over us, grinning and making kissing faces. "Shut up!" I hissed at them, gently moving Alfie's arms from around me and wriggling out from under the duvet. "Have a nice night, did you?" Marcus laughed with a wink. "I hope you didn't do anything while we were in the room!" Joe exclaimed loudly, looking horrified. "Shh!" I whispered, turning to look at Alfie. He was rubbing his eyes, which were still closed, after having being woken by Joe. "What's going on?" Alfie mumbled, clearly still half asleep. "Talking about last night..." Marcus said in a questioning tone, raising his eyebrows. I looked at Marcus, shaking my head and said "Marcus, leave him alone. He's barely awake". Joe stood up and wondered out the room saying, "whatever, I'm hungry, let's get breakfast, Marcus" and the boys made their way into the kitchen.

"Come back to bed, Zo" Alfie whispered as I felt a hand reach up and grab my hand. "Alfie, everyone else will be up soon. We should go and get breakfast" I said, though my grip on his hand was tightening and I was now crouching down to be next to him. "Five more minutes" he said, pulling me under the covers and pressing himself closer to me. I giggled, kissing the tip of his nose as his arms wrapped around my waist. Alfie lay his head against my chest and closed his eyes. "Zoe?" he mumbled. "Yes, Alfie?" He looked up at me. "Shall we go for a meal on Sunday evening, after everyone's gone home? Just the two of us?" I smiled and looked down at Alfie, who was tracing shapes onto my hip with his fingers. "Are you asking me on a date, Mr Deyes?" I asked, grinning at Alfie when he looked up at me, his cheeks a light shade of pink. "Well, it's something I think we should do. I think it makes it a bit more official, don't you?" he joked, laughing, moving one of his hands to play with the ends of my hair. "Yeah..." I whispered. Alfie smiled at me, leaning up to bring his lips closer to mine. I cradled his face in my hands and kissed him.

Alfie's POV

"Do I turn left or right here?" Jim and I were in his car on our way to buy some food for tonight. "I have no idea, Jim! We should have brought Zoe or Joe with us, neither of us know where we're going." I had been in such a good mood all day; I'm not sure if it was because I felt like Zoe are I could be 'properly' classed as boyfriend and girlfriend now I was taking her on a date, or maybe it was simply that I'd spent the night with Zoe in my arms. All I knew was that Zoe was making me extremely happy. After we'd got up this morning, we'd wondered into the kitchen to make pancakes for everyone. Joe and Marcus had spent the whole time teasing us about last night, and 20 minutes later Jim, Tan and Louise had come downstairs. Zoe and I had shared a plate of pancakes, topped with strawberries, raspberries and Nutella. She'd  snuggled up on my lap,  holding the plate and feeding me forkfuls of pancakes. "What are you thinking about, Alfie?" Jim's voice interrupted my thought process, and I realised the car was now sitting in the carpark at Tesco. "Umm, nothing. Just -" I stuttered. "Zoe?" he guessed with a wink. Jim laughed as I scowled at him and said "come on, the quicker we do the shopping, the quicker you can see lover girl!"

Zalfie: Little Oneحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن