Meeting their second dad

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As the door slams on the 1967, black, 4 door, Chevy Impala, they end up in a hotel 2 towns over. John pays for the room and than carries Sam as dean carries Autumn and puts Sam down on the first bed. And says " Dean put her down on that bed over there and put pillows around her like this." As he demonstrated by putting a pillow around Sam's head.
So dean said "OK than where do I sleep ?"
"You and your brother can share a bed okay.?"
"Sure dad." Said Dean as he carefully lays Autumn down in the middle of the bed.

But he was truly oblivious to the situation since he was only 7 at the time. But he had to grow up fast to take care of his siblings.

6 months later.
John was reading lore about the thing that killed Mary. And wanted revenge so he set out to kill anything that would be a threat to anyone. He was truly doing this out of Revenge not for his kids. Soon after that he started teaching Dean to shoot. Than shortly after that he went on a "trip." So dean was in charge of Sam and Autumn. And this is what he told dean:
" Dean you have to take care of your brother and sister because I'm going to go on a hunting trip and I will be back in a week tops and if you need me just call this number." As he hands dean a piece of paper with a phone number on it." Only Call this number in case of an emergency and don't let your siblings out of your sight you understand me and if you have to there is a gun under the bathroom sink but don't just use it on just anyone and there is food in the fridge and keep the do not disturb sign on the door." Than he gives them all hugs and kisses and walks out the door without another word.

2 days later.
Autumn was crawling around on the bed as Sam tried to sleep so Dean was just giggling. Until Sam forgot for a moment, a second even, that she is only 12 or so months old and pushes her off the bed. She lands on the ground head first and starts crying and is bleeding from the head. Dean quickly picks her up yells at Sam who is tearing up because of what he did. So Dean didn't know how to stop the bleeding so he called the number.
"Hello" said a deep voice.
"Dad?" Said Dean.
" No this is your... Ah .. uncle Bobby."
"Ah... Okay? Um ... Well I need help."
"Why what happened?"
" Autumn was crawling around on the bed and Sam knocked her off and she fell and she's crying and she's bleeding from her head and I don't know how to stop it."
"Okay be there in 15 min. What room are you in Dean?"
"Dean? Gee he hung up."

"Uh...Our uncle Bobby is coming." Said dean.
"Look Dean I'm sorry I didn't mean to." Said Sam as he was crying.
"Whatever just get a towel." Dean angerly stated.

So sam got up and went to the bathroom and got a towel. Then Bobby knocked on the door.
Dean opens the door and says "who are you?"
"Bobby. Are you Dean?"
"Can I come in and see what's wrong?"

So dean opens the door wider and gets Autumn out of Sam's arms and gives her to Bobby to look at her head. "Is she OK?"
"She will be fine just need to clean it up and put a band-aid on it."
"Okay good."
"Dean I'm sorry" said Sam.
"Shut up Sam!"
"Dean its OK it was an accident" said Bobby.

Than Bobby layed her down on the pile of pillows and she fell asleep. So Bobby said "do you want me to cook you lunch?"
"Yes please." Said dean.
So Bobby cooks some pizza for them while Dean and Sam feeds Autumn some milk from her favorite blue bottle.

Autumn Shae Winchester, A Hunters Sister.Where stories live. Discover now