"Being my positive self, I think she can do it. But let's face it, she can't. She's dealing with two rowdy boys and a baby. It would be bad enough alone, but now she has to work with fricken Jack Frost!" Anna exclaimed. Kristen stopped eating and stared at her mom. Her mother seemed more tense than usual. Something must be bothering her.

"Who's Jack Frost?" She asked, tilting her head. She had heard the name before. He sounded nice, but her mother didn't seem to like him. Anna quickly placed a smile on, realizing Kristen was paying attention.

"No one, sweetheart. Just keeping eating your breakfast." Anna answered, ruffling her blonde hair. She giggled and pushed her mother's hand away. But she couldn't help but think that something was wrong.

"Jack is a good guy." Kristoff replied, sitting down at the counter. Kristen was busily eating, ignoring her parents. She was too busy trying to cover her chuck of pancake in sticky syrup.

Anna huffed and crossed her arms across her chest. Jack was no where near good anymore. "Maybe five years ago. Now he's just a grumpy jerk." Anna grumbled, flipping a pancake.

"He's just...lonely." Kristoff defended. He felt bad for Jack. It was like the whole world was out to get him. He had to take over his father's business, his friend left for another job, and Elsa wanted a divorce. It didn't help that Anna felt that everything Elsa was going through, she had to help. It was two against one.

"Phh. Lonely. Sure." Anna scoffed, handing Kristoff his breakfast. He frowned, upset that she burnt it on purpose. She was mad that he was on Jack's side, not hers. Sure, Elsa had a point for divorcing him, but maybe if she would just give him a chance.

"Just wait, after this week is over, Elsa will miss him." Kristoff declared, popping a piece of food into his mouth. He knew Elsa was lonely and so was Jack, they would miss each other.

"Sure. Elsa didn't even miss him after years. One week will totally change her mind." Anna sarcastically fired back. She knew Elsa would be thankful and overjoyed when this week was over.

~Merida and Hiccup~
Merida had the steeling wheel tightly gripped in her hands. Her knuckles were turning white, her face was paler then normal. The nurse on the phone told her that Hiccup was at the Berk Hospital. She rushed her children into the car and was currently speeding down the highway. "Mummy, where are we going?" Melissa asked.

Merida looked into her rear view mirror to look at the little redhead. Melissa tilted her head to the side, confused by what was happening. Her mother looked scared, which was rare. Something had to have happened. "We're just going for a drive." Merida lied.

"A drive to where?" She questioned. She remembered taking this road to go get her baby brother. Charlotte and Travis had taken her there since her parents were at the hospital.

"Just watch your movie." Merida quickly replied, wanting to ignore the question. She turned up the volume, hoping the sappy Disney songs would distract her. Melissa liked Brother Bear, so Merida hoped she would watch it.

After what seemed like hours, she finally pulled into the hospital parking lot. She squealed into a spot, not caring if she parked shitty. She quickly got out and unbuckled the children. She held the baby carrier on her arm and held Melissa's hand for support. "Hey. I've been here." She stated, looking at the pictures in the walls.

"Yeah, this is where I had Henry." Merida softly smiled, trying to get the situation off of her mind. She didn't want to scare Melissa, so she was trying to stay as calm as possible.

"Is he having a checkup?" She questioned, looking up at her mom. They were sitting in the waiting room, waiting for Tiana and Naveen to show up. She wanted someone to stay with Melissa and Henry.

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