Chapter 2: Discovery

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Djlnor is an ancient shrine said to provide eternal life to anyone who can pass the trials. The website was shady and looked like it was put together by a cheaply paid high school tech student. It was something, though. Hunter would do anything to advance his search. Djlnor provided little to no search results. He spent hours upon hours scanning every website containing even the most insignificant details on the shrine. Before he knew it, it was five thirty. He had to be up on a little over an hour.

In his sleep deprived state, he thought he'd ask Christina to come with him to the shrine. Somehow the thought of traveling to a different country with a man whom you talked to once didn't seem strange to Hunter. That was his shot. He'd take this girl to Malaysia, where the shrine was located, and there he would win her over. He had to do it.

The sun was rising and he had to leave in half an hour. He got ready in his usual attire. A light blue button down, a silky black tie, black slacks, his favorite pair of brown loafers and his beaten up brown messenger bag. For once, Hunter would be leaving his small apartment happy. This was unfamiliar territory to him. Hunter was always depressed if not neutral, but happy? Now that was new.

He made it to work, settled in and almost immediately after went looking for Christina's desk.  Searching for her name, peering into each cubicle. He finally found her. Though when she turned around Hunter was shocked. She had a plastered-on smile and teary eyes. Her left eye was completely bruised. Hunter had seen boxers leave the ring in better shape. She acted as if nothing was different. Without even questioning it she immediately provided an excuse. As if eager to relay the message that nothing bad had happened.

"I tripped over my dog and faceplated haha I'm such a clutz"

Her laugh was forced and shaky.

"Are you sure about that? Looks pretty bad. I don't mean to pry and I know we don't really know each other, like at all, but you could talk to me about it."

Hunter tried to seem calm and collected but he was terrified and almost completely sure that there was more to her story.

"Yes. That's it. Nothing more to it. I'm fine."

Her response almost screamed 'help me'.

"Uh okay. Listen uh..."

He paused. Maybe it wasn't best to ask her. What was he thinking? 'Come to Malaysia with me girl I just met'.

"Well hopefully you're more careful next time. Can't have the other one bruised too haha."

His heart dropped. He had always done this. Always changed his mind last second. Though, this one was probably for the best.

He walked back over to his desk and slumped down into his chair.  He turned the computer on, opened the browser and started searching up flight tickets to Malaysia. He was set on it. Even if it weren't true, he needed some excitement. Some adventure.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2017 ⏰

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