Kate scoffs at her "You are insane! I have no interest in this stupid so called ballroom dance. I don't even know how to dance & the dynamic, earth shattering moment for me is only when my mate gives me an orgasm so please!" she takes a seat.

Erika glares at her friend, she is the only friend that Erika can talk about all this excitement while the twins are busy with their mates. As the time passes on she dreams about the dress she got from Finn's card perfect for the party. She has to do her hair & make up may be mom will help.

Thinking of her mom she tries to remember the moment she was home which was the day Mr. Gomez found out about the girls. She sighs may be she can leave a message & ask to help her that day.

As she walks to her home after school she finds Mr. Gomez reading papers in his porch. She walks to his porch & greets "Hey Mr. Gomez! What's up?" he smiles at her "Hey kiddo! Why are you walking home where's your car?" she looks at her doorway grimly.

"It's broken I may need to trash it. So what you doing want to ask me for dinner?" she smiles sweetly causing him to look at her amused. "You want to go dinner with me? Am I not too old for you Kiddo?" she laughs.

"As long as you pay you are not & anyway we should have a father daughter dinner, you see now that you are all alone without the twins & I got no father so it's quite convenient that we should join forces. After all I know about your kind we can talk stuffs what say?"

He chuckles, this one is a weird one! "Ok fine get ready at 6, I'll come pick you up" she hugs him before walking to her house.

Gio looks at his middle son as he keeps pacing here & there "You got something to say boy?" Gio's voice breaks the train of thoughts that were in his head. "No Pa, nothing just wondering if I should take Erika for shopping. I mean she may not have proper dress. Knowing her she may walk in there in her jeans & shirt" he chuckles.

Gio watches him intently before asking the question that has been in his mind since ages. "Is there something you are hiding from me?" Julian looks at his father in confusion & shakes his head no.

"Listen son it's good that you care for tiger but are you sure this is just some brotherly love you are feeling or some other bond you are not telling us or not ready to accept?"

Julian laughs at the point his father is trying to get. "Relax Pa! She isn't my mate if that's what you are trying to point out."

He shakes his head as he continues "I would have been lucky if she was mine, but I don't have any other intentions then brotherly love towards her. I'm just worried, now that the twins got their mates it's like she is disappearing from our lives. I hardly see her these days. Before they were attached by hip but now it's different. I just want her not to feel left out that's all" he explains.

Gio nods his head "I know son but what can we do? When we find our mate, we see no one else other than her. It's like our whole world shifts around her. Erika is a big girl & she understands it, not everything in life goes our ways. Time changes & with it things changes & so does people. I'm glad you are looking after her but son she is lot stronger then she seems so take it easy."

He gets up from his seat before patting his shoulder, "About that shopping I think you should take her God knows that girl should sometimes dress like one. Even I forget she is a girl & not one of you boys" he chuckles.

Erika & Neil drive to have a pizza. "So you never tried to date again?" she asks him. "We only have one mate it's a miracle if we got another chance but it rarely happens" he sighs taking a bite from his piece.

"So are you still drinking?" she asks again & he chuckles "I'm trying not to". She nods before speaking "It's good to see you laugh" he looks at her amused & smile. "Enough about me, you say anything going in your life?" she shrugs.

"Nothing much now that my twins are busy with your twins there is hardly fun in my life" they get interrupted by her phone call.

She picks it up "Hey Juliet!" he grins "Hey! Where are you I came by your house you aren't in" Julian worries. "Oh I'm out for dinner with Mr. Gomez. Why is there anything important?" she asks.

Julian sighs "No I just wanted to take you out & then some shopping for the ball, knowing you I won't be surprised if you turned in your usual self" he chuckles making her groan. "Then you are in for a surprise because I already have a dress so don't worry ok?" they say their bye before hanging up.

"What's the matter?" Neil asks her. She smiles eating her pizza "Oh I'm going on that non-human ball room dance as Julian date & he was worried about my attire so he called. Isn't that awesome?" she grins.

Neil nods "Yap so you ever went there before?" he asks & she shakes her head. After their dinner Neil drops her home "Hey kiddo you can call me Neil you know" he offers but she just shrugs.

"Mr. Gomez sounds cool" she argues before rushing inside her house "Thanks for the dinner Mr. Gomez & goodnight" she yells from her doorway. Neil laughs driving off to his garage "Silly girl!"

Mate's Affection [Affection Series 1] {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now