Part 16

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A/N Sorry it took me so long to update, I've been really busy and struggling with this particular chapter.  It's quite short and I am still not 100% sure with it. Luckily, the next bits I have planned and so I won't have such a big gap in between updates!! Hope you've all have had a good week though! - Blah478

"Okay, so are we finally happy with the list?" Harry asked his peers, all of them looking over his shoulder at the big piece of paper in front of them. After hours of interviews and arguing, they finally had a list of teachers for the rest of the year.

"Er, 'Arry? Why's Snape still on the list?" Seamus asked, looking at him. Dean nodded beside him in agreement, both with identical confused expressions etched on their faces.

"He might be dead but he can still teach." Harry explained, eyes not leaving the paper.

"Yeah but, HP, we wos wondering why he's staying." Dean said.

"Well, as a ghost he can't leave the castle" The two shrugged. "He's also Ron's friend so-"

"No, he's not!! Ron interupted loudly.

"Yeah he is. Everyone knows it." Harry said. Everyone mh-hmed their agreement. Ron just turned away from them all, pouting and stuffing his face with lamb ramen. Everyone else turned back to the list.

"So we are all agreed on the rest though?" Everyone nodded. "Okay, that was easy."

"Harry don't forget we need to appoint a Headmaster." Hermione piped up.

"What?! Why can't I be the head?!" Harry asked.

"Because you're too young and won't be able to deal with all the responsibilities. I'm sure you will still sort of have control, you just need to have someone legally old enough to fill in and do all the paperwork."

"Ok so, I would do all the fun bossing stuff and they would do all the boring paper stuff?"

"That's not exactly what I mean but-"

"Woah, sounds totally awesome!" Harry exclaimed. Ron turned back and gave him a high-five. "I vote McGonagall. Anyone disagree?" They all shook their heads as an answer. "Awesome. So we have our headmistress and teachers and obviously students for this year, let's get this show on the road."


Tyler woke up later than usual and was relieved to remember that it was only Sunday. Still another day off work. He rubbed his face, thinking about the crazy dream he just had. His two roommates had admitted to being wizards and it had been super weird. He rubbed his face groggily. Urgh, why did he have to feel so tired? He swung his legs out of bed and stood up. He trudged out of the room, very much like a zombie.

He slowly made his way to the kitchen. He went, dragging his feet after himself and opened the fridge, grabbing a yogurt pot. He turned to see Quirrell at the counter. He went over and looked over his shoulder. He was waving a stick around and some fruit was floating across the room into a bowl in front of him. Tyler went to the cupboard and pulled out a bowl to-WAIT WHAT?!

QUIRRELL WAS DOING MAGIC!!! HE HADN'T BEEN DREAMING!!! There was a loud clatter and Quirrell turned to face him, the fruit dropping from the air as he jumped. Tyler stared at him, mouth open wide. He was living with wizards?! What the hell?! This wasn't right! This had to be fake! This was........awesome! Tyler let out a breath quickly. He looked down to see his bowl shattered on the floor.

"C-can you fix that?" He asked Quirrell, pointing own at the bowl. Quirrell frowned at him, but after a moment, seemed to understand Tyler's thoughts. He nodded and pointed his wand at it.

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