Part 13

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Great. Now he would have to obliviate Tyler. But first was the table problem. It was still on it's side in the middle of the room. Voldemort sighed, well if he was going to obliviate Tyler then he might as well use magic now.

"Wingardium leviosa." Voldemort pointed his wand at the table as it lifted into the air. Tyler stared wide-eyed.

"Tyler move!" The muggle quickly scurried out the way as the table levitated to the ground, the flowers slightly crushed, a few wiltering, yet still looking beautiful.

"I,I-er, um. What?!" Tyler asked. Voldemort was about to answer when he heard a noise from down the corridor. He walked towards his room and opened the door to see Quirrell sitting up, looking slightly groggy. Voldemort was at his side in an instant.

"You okay? I don't really know what happened, but are you okay?" Quirrell looked at him slightly confused and then his eyes suddenly widened and his cheeks went a pale pink. He lifted up a hand to Voldemort's shoulder, who hadn't realised he'd been getting closer as he spoke, now centimetres away from Quirrell's face, and gently pushed him back.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine." Voldemort searched his eyes and saw that they were heavily guarded from showing emotion but held some truth in them. Quirrell's eyes were fascinating.

"Step away from him! Hands up!" Tyler's voice, confident and cold, demanded. Voldemort stood up, ignoring the fear in Quirrell's eyes and turned around. Tyler had a big kitchen knife out, pointing at the wizard. "I said get back!"

"Tyler? W-what's going o-on?"

"This man isn't normal. He can make things levitate. He can do magic! He's dangerous, Quirrell." Tyler narrowed his eyes at Voldemort, who sighed and rolled his, muttering 'for God's sake' under his breath.

"What?" Quirrell looked between Voldemort and Tyler, trying to understand.

"This is boring. Petrificus totalus!" Tyler dropped the knife and his body bound together, unable to speak. His face was terrified though and strange muffled noises were coming from his direction. Voldemort reached over and picked up the knife.

"D-did you have t-to do that? You c-could have just t-talked to him."

"Yeah, well. He already knew about magic, so I didn't see a reason not to." Quirrell gave him an annoyed look. "Anyways, he had a knife to my throat. It was self defense!" He added with a smile, holding up the weapon.

"Unbind him. W-We're obviously g-going to need to t-talk to him." Voldemort glared but muttered the countercurse. Tyler seemed to fall apart and spluttered slightly, going pale in the face.

"Why can't we just obliviate him?"

"I t-trust Tyler. I don't want t-to do that to h-him." Voldemort looked at him and found he couldn't say no.

"Urgh, fine. But afterwards, you are explaining what the hell happened an hour ago."

"Deal." Tyler tried to run from the room. Quirrell stopped him with a hand to the shoulder.

"T-Tyler. Please don't r-run. We won't h-hurt you. We just w-want to explain everything." Tyler glanced at Voldemort,scared, but when he looked into Quirrell's eyes, he seemed to calm a bit and nodded. Voldemort rolled his eyes.

They all walked into the living room and sat down, with Quirrell and Voldemort on one sofa and Tyler on another, after pushing it round so that it was perfectly facing them.

"Explain, then." was all Tyler said.

"We can d-do magic." Tyler just stared at them. "It's not s-something we chose, w-we were born w-wizards. However, w-we did have to l-learn at a special s-school. Do y-you understand?"

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