Part 4

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Quirrell felt overyjoyed. They had done it, found some evidence or someone had admitted something, he wasn't sure but he was now free to go. The Dementor who had just told him the news disappeared to get his stuff and Quirrell stood up properly, feeling his joints creak and click. The contentment lasted only a few seconds as he realised that he had nowhere to go. He definitely couldn't go back to Hogwarts. He did have a flat but he sold it when he went travelling. Great, he would be free but homeless. Oh well, that was still better than here. The Dementor was back and handed over his clothes and wand.

"Free to go." Quirrell took his things with a small 'Thank You'. "You know, while I was devouring every single one of your happy thoughts, they all seemed to be about a certain friend of yours. Care to talk?"

Ugh, no. He was not going to talk about it to a Dementor, that would be, well......demented!

"No. No, that's b-behind me n-now."

"Sorry, well. Did you hear the news? Voldemort is dead! Oh and good luck getting off this impenetrable island!" It left.

The words felt like a knife stab in the chest. Dead? No! That couldn't be! No anything but that! He wanted to kill Voldemort for throwing him in here, for tricking him, lying, playing with his emotions,.....but at the same time, he still cared about Voldemort and didn't want him dead! It was confusing and it hurt. But what could Quirrell do? Nothing. He sat down for a moment and let himself shed a few tears for Voldemort before he would move on forever.

A few tears for Voldemort. A few tears for his master. A few tears for his closest friend. A few tears for the man who betrayed him.

He stood up and wiped his eyes. The pain was still there but he would worry about that later, for now he needed to leave. He took one last look around the cell, before walking out, leaving it forever.


Voldemort saw him! He could have reached out and touched him! But he didn't. He saw the Dementor handing Quirrell his things, heard the worsen of his stutter, saw the mess that Quirrell was. Dark cirles around the eyes, very pale skin, a few bruises especially on his knuckles and sides of the hands, which looked like they were from punching and banging on the walls. He looked scarily thin and frail, like he could snap at any minute. That's why he didn't say anything. He saw what he had done to Quirrell and was horrified, unable to face it.

He watched as Quirrell recieved the news of his death. As he sat and cried for a minute, before pulling himself together and walking out. He watched as Quirrell walked down the corridor, getting further and further away from him. Quirrell needed peace and safety and Voldemort could not bring him any of that. So he did the next best thing, he followed him.


"Bellatrix! What are you doing here?" Lucius was shocked to see his sister-in-law and best friend here at his door. She ran over and hugged him, which was so unlike Bellatrix that he didn't know what to do. He ended up patting her thick curly hair, awkwardly.

"He's dead!" She wailed into his chest.

"Yes, I know, Bella." He said, using their old nickname for her. "But there's nothing we can do. His horcruxes were destroyed."

"Will you help me? I want to gather the rest of the Death Eaters and fight them again. This time killing them all. Will you help me?" She sounded so persistent.

"Yes, Bella. Of course I will help. Quick, I'll call Yaxley, see who he can get together!" Lucius hurried off. Bellatrix stopped fake-crying and grinned an evil grin. It wouldn't take long before she would have complete control over the Death Eaters.

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