Quick Twist

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Song: Say You Wont Let Go

I woke up in the morning feeling awesome and waiting to see Jack. What? First time meeting a legend, k?

I heard some tapping on my window, and when I looked there, I saw Jack. He waved hi and so did I.

He quickly wrote something there, and disappeared.

'Can't wait to see you later'

"Y/N!!" shouted Raven as she came running towards me.

"Sup Raven?" I asked her once she reached me.

"You wont BELIEVE what happened yesterday." she said. "Me and Jamie were skating and then he fell down and slid onto me and the- wait why are you smiling so much??"

I had just noticed that, while she was talking, I had started day dreaming about Jack. And that sure brought a smile on my face.


"Oh sorry Raven, I was just day dreaming about...someone" I said

"OHHHH!! Is it a boy?! What's his name?! Is he cute?! Are you guys getting married?!" She flooded me with questions.

"First of all, yes he's a boy. Secondly, his name is Jack" I left out his last name, because I didn't think she would believe me. "And no, we're not getting married."

"Hey you didn't answer the other one!! Is he cute?" Raven asked and a slight blush made it's way onto my cheeks.

"Well....ya he's cute."


I just rolled my eyes and asked her a question:

"Do you believe in myths?"

"Ya duh!" she said. "Santa clause, tooth fairy, Jack Frost, the Easter bunny, sandman, and all the rest".

"Awesome." I said. "Anyways, I got to go. I'm meeting that guy."

"Omg can I come???"


I walked to the same lake where I was yesterday, and saw Jack waiting there.

He turned around and threw a snowball to my face.


I wiped off the snow from my face and looked at him.

"By the way Y/N, did you really mean it when you said I was cute?"

I blushed and looked down, and he started laughing his head off.

His white hair blew in the slight wind, and his staff was on the ground. I headed towards it and grabbed it when he wasn't looking.

And it blasted me up into the sky.

Guess I didn't mention I have a fear of heights.

"HELPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!" I screamed as it kept going higher and higher.

I saw Jack stop laughing and fly up and trying  to catch up to me.

Then suddenly his staff blew a giant snow white and blue bubble around me which even Jack couldn't get through.

"WHAT THE HECK?!" He screamed as he tried to burst it.

Suddenly his staff started poring snow out of it, and it was filling up the bubble fast.

"Y/N!! TRY POPPING IT!" Jack shouted.

I tried, but the snow filled up the bubble, and it stayed like that for a few seconds.

And then it popped.

"Y/N! ARE YOU OK?!" Jack shouted as he caught me.

I coughed a bit and sat up on his arms.

"Y-ya...remind me to never steal your staff" I laughed, but Jack just stared at me with a slightly open mouth.

"What?" I asked tilting my head.

"Your.....your hair.....

It's white"


I jumped from his arms and floated beside him.


I started panicking until Jack took me back to the ground.

"Y/N I think there's only one explanation" Jack said.

"What is it?!" I exclaimed.

"Your a guardian."

Jack Frost x Reader~ My Snowflake {Wattys2017}Where stories live. Discover now