Kansas city

475 16 1

Note: There was a problem with this chapter, so I had to upload it again. Enjoy :)

There are few ways to tell if a person of your romantic interest loves you. Everyone of us have their own. But, also, there are few very common ones.

The one I want to talk about is "love/affection buying". As the name says, that's a situation where your partner or love interest buys you things for no reason and in pretty weird time. It's like they are feeling guilty, and trying to win you over with presents. But, don't mistake this kind of behavior for the honest one. The main difference between the two is this - when the person who buys you these things, loves you, the presents are more meaningful and significant, mostly because those presents present something only you two know and care about. But, when they're trying to buy your love, gifts are just expensive and surely not needed.

All of this blabbering is here because of the situation that has happened just a few weeks after the "calling-not calling incident" with Tom. I was at my humble apartment, reading one of the books I've always wanted to, but never had time to read. Ironically, it was "The Idiot", written by F. M. Dostoevsky. For those who haven't read it, it's a story about stupidly honest and gullible person, who is trying to find his way in this sneaky, dishonest world.

The way it's written made me think about my own way of understanding life and other people. Probably about my gullibleness as well. As my fingers traveled across the words written on that yellow paper, I've heard the sound of the doorbell. That surprised me a bit, because I wasn't expecting anyone. Slowly, I put my book on the coffee table, leaving it opened on the page I was reading. The doorbell rang again.

-Just a second, please.- I said approaching the door and unlocking it.

-Good day, miss. Are you Clara Lester?- asked the man standing in front of me, holding a box in his hands. He was pleasant, but this whole thing made me a bit anxious.

-Yes, that's me. But, I'm afraid I am not expecting any delivery.- I said with a smile. He smiled back:

-This is a gift from Mister Hiddleston.-

I held in a gasp, but the man didn't notice anything, continuing with his explanation:

-He has sent this via Express Post, and ordered that you take it without any questions. Also, he said that, if it doesn't fit you, he will send a man to pick it up and change.-

I looked at the man like he was the answer to all of my problems, and he saw that, asking:

-Will you, please, just sign here that you've received the package?-

-Yes, of course.- I replied with a smile, taking the pen he has offered me. I thanked him, and we said our goodbyes. I put the package on the sofa, looking at it like there was a bomb inside. Why would Tom send me anything? It's not my birthday, or anything. He has just sent me a gift. The box was plain white, with no card or ribbon, so the opening was quite easy. Inside was something tangled in white paper. Moving the paper away, I've felt the material underneath my fingers. Soft. I slowly pulled out the material, and realized it was a dress. Dark blue, long, with an opened back. Elegant, plain and beautiful, just like everything he liked. I couldn't decide whether or not I've wanted to try it. There was something strange, about everything. But, that's a story for the next chapter.

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