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The time has shown its relativity, and almost a month passed by. Matt hadn't called, the whole story had been brought to Elly's attention, Luke has apologized for his blabbering, and Tom and I have begun the most beautiful relationship. That man was perfect. Literally. He didn't rush me, he has given me just enough time to calm down about everything. After a month and a half, we were sitting in one nice, humble restaurant, drinking red wine and eating chocolate cake.

-Do you believe in love?- Tom asked me hugging me around the shoulder, slowly taking a sip of his wine, softly kissing the glass with his beautiful lips. I looked up at him, with a smile.

-Yes, I believe- I said calmly, -For me, love is the purest feeling in the world, but also the most harmful one, if it's for the wrong person. That's what makes it special, you can't choose who to love, you always have to take a risk.-

Tom nodded, looking me deep in the eyes. I smiled, looking at him warmly:

-What about you?-

He smiled, moving the glass in circles in front of him.

-That's probably the only thing I truly believe in. Frankly, for me, love is the most complicated but yet the simplest thing in the world. You don't need to experience it to know it, but you do have to experience it to truly understand it.- he said enthusiastically. I smiled looking at him. He knew what he was talking about.

-People often forget what's the most important to do when you love someone...- he said, sounding almost sad.

-And what would that be?- I asked intrigued. Tom turned fully to me, his blue eyes shining with warmth.

-Saying it out loud.- he said with a smile, kissing my forehead. I smiled kissing his neck, and whispered "I agree."

One hour later, we were in his apartment. I was in the living room, separating the books we've brought together the day before. I've heard him slowly approaching me.

-Tom, why are you sneaking?- I asked starting to giggle, as he hugged me around the waist.

-I just wanted to hug you. And kiss you.- he whispered into my neck. I smiled, leaning my head against his:

-And, what else?- I asked turning to face him. He smiled, showing his perfect teeth, blushing a bit.

-Nothing, just to be with you.- he said kissing me softly. My hands traveled up, to his collar, as I unbuttoned the first two buttons of his shirt. He moved his hands slowly over my back, feeling the soft material of my cotton shirt.

-Are you sure about this? I don't want to rush you...- Tom whispered looking down at my fingers, as I unbuttoned the last button on his shirt. I looked up at him, moving his shirt and watching it fall on the floor. Tom gasped under my touch on his now bare chest, closing his eyes, and tightening the grip on my lower back.

-What do you think? Are you rushing me?- I whispered against his now already swollen lips, my hands traveling over his abs. He looked at my lips, smiling, but this time his smile was different. It was... Darker. Kind of devilish. He picked me up, bridal style, and took me to the bedroom. Then he slowly put me on the bed, sitting next to me on it, as we continued to kiss. Love which was made that night, was the purest and most magical thing in the Universe.

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