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-I'm sorry.- Tom whispered softly. I was looking at my cup of coffee, circling my finger over the edges.

-You don't have to apologize.- I said still looking at the cup. He sighed:

-Look, Clara...-

-Tom.- I whispered reaching out for his hand on the table. He looked at me. -Please, tell me what's been going on all this time?-

Tom took a deep breath:

-Everything have started two months ago. Your best friend, Elly, started to go out with one nice guy, named Luke.-

-Yes, but she has never told me his last name...- I said quietly. Tom smiled:

-It's Windsor.-

My eyes widened:

-Wait, it's your publicist?-

-Yes, it's him.- Tom said calmly. I was just looking at him, confused. -Look, I will have a monologue now. You can ask me everything after that, but let me finish the story with no interruptions, please. I hope that's all right with you darling?- he asked politely, stroking my hand with his thumb. I nodded, and he continued:

-Luke and I have had an agreement, since he started working for me. When he meets any new person, he doesn't tell the who his 'client' is. That's what happened with Elly. As they were spending more time together, she has told him about her best friend having problems with her boyfriend. And she has explained him what kind of problems. For Luke it was evident that that girl was in an abusive relationship.-

I swallowed coffee that I took in my mouth few seconds ago, looking at the mug. Coffee has never had such a bitter taste of truth. His grip on my hand tightened as he continued:

-Luke is my friend. And I can say, best friend. He is my person of trust, but more importantly, I'm also his. So, he told me everything. And, that whole story worried me. I didn't know anything about the girl or a guy, except that she's wonderful, and that he's a jerk. After a month of talking between Elly and Luke, and his retelling of the situation to me, the night when we've met happened.-

My eyes were fixated on his now. He was very calm, but I could see him being worried while he spoke.

-Elly tried to call you on your phone, but her number was blocked to reach you. She has called on your landline phone, but you weren't at your apartment. Then she called Luke. And I was with him in that moment, flipping some scripts. He told me she can't reach you, and that you're probably in that cafe, because you always go there when you have to think. I was sick of that Matthew guy in that moment, so I asked Luke where that cafe was, and how you look, so I could find you.-

-And you've found me because of Elly's Twitter photo.- I said in a slightly lower voice than my usual. Tom giggled lightly, and then whispered warmly:

-Yes. I've found you. The reason why I went there was to try to save a damsel in distress. Interesting part was that you looked extremely attractive, and the way you talked made me question if I only wanted to check on you just because of Luke's worried girlfriend. You enchanted me. And the only thing I wanted to do, is to make you happy.-

Tom finished taking both of my hands in his. I was silent, looking in his baby blue eyes and seeing pure honesty. My eyes watered.

-I would probably never leave him, if I  haven't met you.- I whispered. He stood up and pulled another chair to sit next to me. He hugged me tightly, stroking my hair:

-I know this looks like the three of us have been plotting this against you in a matter, but please- he said lifting my head softly by the chin, -Please understand that, when I've met you, I wanted you for myself. I wanted to show you how much more you deserve. And I still do. I don't want to be your hero. I want to be your man.- he finished, brushing his nose against mine. I smiled, holding back the tears.

-I want that too.- I said in shaky voice, kissing him gently.

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