Bad boy

492 19 2

Half an hour later, I was sitting in front of my computer, waiting for the call. The shower I took really relaxed me. Actually, I washed my hair, and put the mask on and... Well, tried to feel alive again. Which was hard. You know, jazz is beautiful, but it's a kind of music that reminds you of everything. But, I've ranted about that already, so I won't do that again.

So, 40 minutes have passed and I'm still sitting in front of my computer. No sign of Tom. I turned on the speaker, and started to wander around the apartment. "I should really get a cat", I've thought to myself. Five more minutes have passed, so I decided to go cook some noodles. I loved that homemade junk food, back then. Chicken noodles, with some cheese and tomato salad, or sauce, that sounded great. I was not into jazz anymore, so I put on some ballads. Lucy in the sky with diamonds was playing when I entered the kitchen. Jumping around for few minutes, and Un-break my heart started. Noodles were finished, and by that moment Save the prayer was rocking in the living room. I finished my meal, washed the dishes and put the water for tea, listening to You don't fool me.

🎶 Na, na, na, na, na 🎶

An hour has passed, and there was no call from Tom.

"He had probably fell asleep."

I found my phone, and checked all of the missed calls and unread messages. Few from Elly, telling me to call her. So, I sat on the couch and called her. She was that kind of friend who you could call in the middle of the night, and she would pick up the phone. I love that girl so much, and I think I will love her forever.

-Hey, darling.- I whispered when she answered the call.

-Hey, beautiful.- she whispered back. I smiled. She continued: -Where were you? You've worried me a bit, love...-

I sighed: -I know, and I'm sorry. I just... Well, I fell asleep.-

-You were crying?- her tone was calm. She knew. I couldn't lie to Elly. So I kept my mouth shut.

-You were...- she answered on her own question, -Was it because of something, someone, or both?-

-Both.- I whispered. She sighed:

-Did he call, since he's arrived?-

I took a deep breath:

-Yes. But, at the end of a call, he said he'd call again.-

-In what time?-

-In half an hour.-

-And how much time had passed since then?-

I moved the phone from my ear to see the time.

-Hour and 15 minutes.-

Breath. Silence. Another deep breath.



-He's probably just tired.-

-Yes, that's quite likely.-

-Or he just fell asleep, because of the long flight, and everything.-

-Yes, Prague is practically on the other side of the world. I mean, Europe itself is farther than Africa from here...-

-Clara. Stop. Sarcasm won't help.-

-Well, you're wrong there, Elly, because it is helping.-

She sighed.

-I know. Well then, you should understand him. Flying is not the fun thing. If people were supposed to fly, we would have wings.-

I chuckled to myself.

-Yes, definitely.-

-What you're going to do?-

-I'm going to go live a life.-

-Will you call him?-

I was silent for a moment.

-No. But if he is already in the game, I will probably play with him.-

She hummed.

-Don't let him be you gateway. Not now.-

-I won't, Elly. I've stopped doing that when...-

We were both silent for a moment.

-Do you still have it?- she asked cautiously.

-Mhm.- I hummed in response.

-Don't use it tonight.-

I waved her comment away, forgetting she couldn't see me.

-It's broken, Elly. It's been broken for such a long time.-

-All right, then. Go play. I'll call you in the morning.-

-Is everything ok with Luke?-

-Yes, he's amazing.- she whispered trough a smile. I was happy again in that moment.

-Be a good girl, Elly.-

She giggled: -I will. Have a good game, darling, and an even better sleep.-

-Thank you, you too. Talk to you tomorrow. Bye.-

After we've hung up, I closed the Skype, and logged in in DOTA. The game started, and I opened the contact list. He was there.

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