More Singers?!

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(Y/n) P.O.V

"I don't wanna do math!" I whine as aph,Katelyn and I walk to class. "Neither do i but we have to unfortunately." Katelyn responds. We walk into class and take our normal seats. Once class started Katelyn raised her hand. "Yes Katelyn?" The teacher said. "I don't feel to well can me and a friend go to the washroom?" She says whining and holding her stomach. "Oh sure who will you be taking?" He says glancing around the room. "(Y/n)." She says looking at me. I nod my head and we leave. Once we got there Katelyn turned to me and said "ok now,what happened?" "Huh, what are you talking about?" I question with a puzzled look on my face. "About you and Laurence, I thought you were mad at him!" She exclaims. So I explain the whole story to her. But of course I leave out the part where I kiss his cheek. "Ohhhh, ok as long as nothing happened I'm ok!" She squeals. I nod my head and we head back to class.

~Time Skip~

"YASSSS!! ITS LUNCH TIME!!" I scream running to the cafeteria. "I'm so hungry!" I whine. All my friends grab our table and take a seat. I come join them once I've got my food. "So Katelyn are you feeling alright?" Aph questions glancing at Katelyn. "Hmm? Oh yeah much better!" She replies not taking her eyes off of her food. "So how was the first half of the day for you guys?" Garroth asks looking at me Aph and Katelyn. "Pretty boring." I respond before taking a huge bite out of my taco. We talked for a bit longer then the bell rang. *RING* *RING* "time for science,woopie!" I say sarcastically as I walk towards the science room.

~Time Skip~

"FINALLY!! Time for vocals!" I exclaim walking with Laurence. "Heh maybe this time I'll get to sing." He slyly says glancing at you. "Hey you didn't sing with me because you were a jerk, I can't help it you were born naturally annoying." I say sticking my tongue out at him. He just laughs. We walk into class to see Lucinda, Kawaii~chan, Katelyn, And aph. "W-what are you guys doing here!?" I say surprised. "We wanted to try singing so here we are." Aph said excited. "Uh-ok." I say sitting next to aph Laurence sits behind us. "Hello class, today we have for new students, so there going to get into pairs of two and sing a song." Once the teacher said that kawaii~chan was with Lucinda, and aph was with Katelyn. "We'll go first!" Lucinda said. Her and kawaii~chan walked to the front of the class and the music started playing...(Lucinda is the one on the right kawaii~Chana the one on the left. Hey there's lyrics woo hoo!)

They finished and everyone and I mean everyone was shocked. "WOW!! You guys are amazing!!"I screamed. "Oh (Y/n)~senpai it was nothing." Kawaii~chan said. Lucinda nodded. They took there seats. "Ok I guess it's our turn." Aph says shyly walking in front of the class with Katelyn. "Play the music!" Katelyn demanded. They began to sing...(another video, aph is on the left Katelyn is on the right. More lyrics!)

Once they finished everyone was in even more shock. "WHA?" I yell. Katelyn and aph look at me. "SINCE WHEN COULD YOU SING?!" I scream. Both girls giggle. "Well we have 4 great students. Can't wait to here more of you ladies." The teacher said. All 4 girls sat down and we continued with our class.

~Time Skip~

"Ok start explaining." I say as soon as we leave school. "Yeah when did you 4 get so interested in singing?" Laurence continues. "Well you guys seemed pretty happy singing and we wanted to try it. Turns out we're pretty good!" Lucinda says with a little excitement. "Hey how bout you all come over to my house around 5:00 Laurence you can bring Dante and Garroth if you want." I suggest as we walk down the sidewalk. Everyone agreed to come so now all I have to do is wait it out. I got home to see my mom waiting at the door. "Listen here young lady, your going to explain what I saw last night!NOW!" Mom demanded so I told her everything that happened. She seemed a little less mad at me afterwards. "Oh mom some friends are coming over around 5:00." I say walking up stairs. "How many?" She questions. "Well there's Katelyn, aph, kawaii~chan, Lucinda, cadenza, Laurence, Garroth, and Dante." I respond. She stares at me for a second then rushes to the kitchen to make food I'm guessing. "Ok, now all I gotta do is change, then wait for them to show up." I got changed and around 5:00 everyone showed up. We all talked, ate dinner, joked around. It was really fun. Everyone left around 9:00 ish. "Mom I'm going to bed cause I'm tired!" I yell before closing my door. I plopped in bed and drifted off to sleep.

~1 Month Later~

It's been a full month since my family came to Phoenix Drop High. It's now march. Yes I moved schools in February right after Valentine's Day. So it's kinda been less than a month but whatever. I hop out of bed, take a shower, get my uniform on, brush my hair, eat, brush my teeth, than head to school. I didn't walk with shadow today. She was walking with her friends. "Hey (Y/n), wait up!" Someone calls from behind. I turn to see Garroth, aph, and Laurence running towards me. "Hey guys!" I exclaim as they catch up. "Come on we can't be late." I rush them. All 3 of them glare at me and I just giggle. "Ok,well are you coming or not!" I grumble. I really don't wanna be late. "Yeah yeah lets go." Garroth says walking ahead. We all walk to school together. Once we get there we see kawaii~chan, Lucinda, and Katelyn run up to us. "Look (Y/n)~senpai, Lucinda~chan, Katelyn~sama and kawaii~chan found this poster on the school window!" Kawaii~chan squeals with excitement handing me the piece of paper. "What is it?" Garroth questions. "Jeez I don't know, let me read it would ya!?" I say frustrated. "It's says that Phoenix Drop High is having a talent show. Auditions are next week!" I squeal. I've always loved talent shows. "Wow that's cool but why does that concern us?" Laurence says. "IT doesn't, it concerns aph and (Y/n). We want them to sing with us." Katelyn says pushing him away. "So what do you say girls?" Lucinda questions walking up to us."I'm cool with it!" Aph smiles as Lucinda. "(Y/n)?" Katelyn asks. "I'm in!" I shout with excitement. I feel like I'm gonna burst. "My very first talent show!" I think to myself. "I can t wait!!"

CHAPTER 6 YESSS!!! So there's a talent show? Wonderful. Perfect for surprises and plot twists muahahaha! Chapter 7 will most likely come out tomorrow or the next day. One of the other. STAY FABULOUS ~💜

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