"You could've said that nicely"

She answers walking in and once again continuing with the video chat with Julian who is laughing so hard that tear falls from his eyes. She never fails to amaze him and the way Enzo dragged her all the while she had a clueless face was beyond him.

So, now he watches his brother's reaction as she once again enters the room.

"Don't you dare fucking touch my bed and my things?"

Enzo warns her, he had had enough of her acts and this needs to be stopped right now before he murders her. He never liked when someone entered his private room without his permission but this girl she id down right using his things like she fucking owns it.

Rolling her eyes she stops mid air trying to jump on the bed. She debates just a mini second before giving him an evil smile then jumping on the bed. She keeps rolling everywhere on the bed just to irritate him.

Seeing that Enzo roars in anger, how dare she disrespect him and avoid his warning, she is as good as dead.

Erika stops her rolling and watches him with wide eyes in horror as Enzo tries to control his shift. Just as he jumps on her Giovanni enters the room to hold him back. While Marisa rushes Erika out of the room, who looks a bit pale after what she just witnessed.

"Calm down"

Giovanni commands to Enzo making him submit to his father and the Alpha. He was helping his mate in the kitchen when he thought to check on tiger only to find the living room empty and after a while he heard some banging from his son's room.

So, to check what the commotion was he rushed in here only to be thankful for his timing as he can clearly see that Enzo was just mere second to shift and if he shifted god knows what he would have done to Erika.

"What the hell was that?"

Giovanni asks his son as soon as Enzo controls his shift. Enzo maintains his distance to get a grip on himself. He really can't believe he lost it right there that his own father had to command him back. Closing his laptop where seeing all this Julian is laughing as a maniac he replies.

"I don't like when people invade my privacy!"

"People or is it someone in particular? Next time you loose your control, I won't be forgiving" Giovanni warns

"Then, make sure she doesn't come near me" he growls back.

Enzo walks to his bathroom for a much needed shower, while Giovanni sighs leaving his son all alone.

"When I said make yourself at home, it didn't mean invade someone's privacy specially Enzo's"

"I was missing Juliet"

Gio scolds Erika, who looks innocently at him defending her. After that encounter Marisa gave her some mother talk ad now she feels all better. The whole thing opened her eyes as she now knows never ever to piss him off but then again she can't help but do it.

In all her time with this family she has never seen Enzo shift to his wolf as he is the black sheep of the house as she likes to call him. She has gone on some wolf riding with the twin and Julian which has been there daily routine once.

But she has not even once seen Enzo shift or anything close to it except today, now she is sure he isn't some wolf but a ghost those eyes can't be of any normal wolf. She sure can judge as she has seen all of his brothers shift in front of her eyes. Even Giovanni isn't so dreadful after you see him few times shifting.

Shaking his head at her he sighs.

"You are going to be death of him!"

"But that's the whole plan!"

Mate's Affection [Affection Series 1] {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now