PJ explains being interrupted by Mark.

"Wait... Murder??"

Mark asks quickly, his mind racing trying to remember who Jack may have killed. PJ sighs and nods.

"He killed a man before we caught him Fischbach, unfortunately we didn't get a name, and as far as we can tell... he doesn't exist in our systems.... However he wore a white mask if that rings a bell."

PJ explains, the realization finally hitting Mark, his snarl returning once again.

"What the hell, that was self-defense you ass!"

The red haired man shouts, earning a few glances from people entering and exiting the lobby. PJ sighs, shooting another annoyed glance at Mark before simply shrugging, clearly not caring what had actually happened, just that Jack was finally behind bars. Mark releases a sigh, calming himself as his head had begun to spin again.

"You know what I'm done... I'm going to go see Jack..."

Mark mutters pushing past the Brit and ignoring his arguments. He didn't plan on getting back in bed, he didn't plan on sitting there while Jack was quite possibly suffering in that prison. Mark walks out the door, instantly realizing he was back in LA.

"How long was I out...?"

Mark mutters to himself before shaking his head, and deciding he didn't care, his mind once again focusing on the task of seeing his imprisoned love.

The red haired man calls a cab, the cabbie giving him a weird look as he climbs in. Probably due to the fact Mark looked completely insane, his dim unfocused eyes, messy hair, and slightly bloodied shirt, the blood having leaked through the bandages, which most likely had to be changed soon.

The Cab soon pulls up to the prison, the large cement building sending shivers down his spine. As he prepares to climb out he realizes he didn't have his wallet on him, and looks at the Cabbie with a small sigh.

"Hey... So... I don't have my wallet with me, but-"

Mark begins softly before the cabbie simply shakes his head and smiles slightly.

"Don't worry about it."

He says gently. Mark climbs out with a small thank you, and walks up to the jail, stopped by a guard at the front, but let in as he asks to visit an inmate.

Soon enough, after a long process Mark sits in a small room, sitting across from the green haired man, though a glass barrier separated the two.

Jack looked worn, his eyes sunken with dark circles underneath each, his ocean blue eyes dulled and tired, his hair a tangled disheveled mess, and much to Mark's worry his eye was swollen, clearly soon to become a black eye.

"I'm glad you're okay Mark..."

Jack says after a long silence had passed between the two men, speaking into a phone on the wall, connected to a similar one in Mark's hand.

"They wouldn't tell me anything... I thought you might've died... and it was my fault...."

Jack admits quietly, his voice shaky, and dripping with sadness, his blue eyes not being able to look into the red haired man's chocolate brown ones.

"Sean... it wouldn't be your fault...."

Mark tells him calmly, struggling to bring some comfort to the Irish man. Jack sighs, clearly not believing Mark, but not saying anything, his eyes still refusing to meet the half-Korean's.

"How are you doing?"

Mark finally interrupts the silence that had grown between the two, neither of them really knowing what to say. Not anymore.

Secrets (Sequel to Danger In Love)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora