Imperialism in China

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 Supporting Imperialism In China

Imperialism in China was immensely helpful to Europe.The Europeans colonizing China and having supplies imported from there made it much easier to get items like silk, tea, and porcelain. First, Europe was trading gold and silver for the items, but eventually ended up trading them for opium which was much cheaper for Europe to do. This helped the economy in Europe some, and helped to make them a wealthier country. Even when China tried rebelling, both times, Europe would not let the trades be stopped. Colonizing China and somewhat taking over it was a wonderful thing for Europe.

Rejecting Imperialism In China

Imperialism in China was one of the worst things that could have happened to China. All of a sudden these strange people just waltz in and demand things that rightfully belonged to the Chinese. Of course, when Europe is more powerful, and China is weak, they have not any option but to concede to Europe's wishes and give them their goods, even when it was for opium. The trade for opium caused lots of drug problems in China, and they insisted that it must stop, but Europe wouldn't have it. Europe was completely selfish as a whole, and didn't take even a second to think about what they were doing to China and stop. Europe never should have taken over China as it did.

- 4 August, 2016

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