Did Someone Say Cake? (Pietro x Reader)

Start from the beginning

"Little help here lovebirds?" Tony called over the coms.

Without replying you gave Pietro a sideways glance and ran back towards Tony. He had been knocked to the ground, sentry robots surrounding him.

It wasn't long before Pietro caught up to you, trying to get your attention again.

"There's no cake?"

One of the robots charges its blasters aiming for Tony's head and you jump onto it's back, forcing your baton through its neck. The electric charge short circuited the robots' systems and you wrenched your baton out again, practically decapitating it.

"We're in the middle of a mission Pietro, I don't have cake!"

He pouted at you taking out another robot behind you. Forgetting yourself, you laughed and heard Wanda giggle over the coms.

Pietro ran around the outside of the group, smashing his way through five robots in one go. Still having time to stop and smile at you while you struggled with just one, splitting open it's chest, sparks flying everywhere.

While Tony destroyed the remaining robots, you worked together with Pietro to thin out the last of the soldiers. He took out the majority of them, helping you if you got overwhelmed.

The area around the base was clear for now. Hiding out of sight you both took a few moments to catch your breath, feeling the effects of your exertion. Pietro scanned the horizon and you watched his muscles tense and move.

"You're obsessed with cake Maximoff."

Pietro shrugged, closing the distance between you. His hand rubbed the small of your back and he leaned in, lips close enough to brush your ear.

"Only yours is sweet enough for me, sugar." He whispered and sped off to check the perimeter.

The moment he was out of sight you grinned, cheeks flushing. What a Dork.

"Man that was awful Maximoff!" Clint yelled in your ear and you jumped in surprise, "how long did it take you come up with that one?!"

"That's it, no flirting on missions!" Tony wailed, making throwing up noises.

Pietro ran past you again with a wink, a wave of blue clouding your vision. Make that a sexy fucking dork.

"Guys. Natasha has the intel; can you keep the path clear for us?"

Steve's voice broke you out of your increasingly vulgar thoughts.

"You got it capsicle. I'll cover you from above, y/n and sonic will take out any strays on the ground."

Lifting you into his arms without warning Pietro runs you back to the main exit, dropping you to the floor far too quickly. Stomach churning you try and regain some balance. You hold onto his arm, unsteady and woozy.

"How do you cope with that?!"

Before Pietro can answer Steve and the others rush out of the building, closely followed by very angry looking soldiers.

"Here we go."


The engine whirred into life and it was a welcome sound for you all. Each bruised and battered avenger taking up their own quiet spot on the jet for the flight home.

Picking a seat at the back of the cabin you settle in, grumbling when pain shoots up your back. Not again.

"You looked good today printessa, out there."

Pietro leaned against the adjoining headrest. Even with his face bruised, hair matted and ripped uniform he still managed to look unaffected. Irritatingly, he was even more handsome, whereas you probably looked like death. You scrunched your eyebrows at him, not sure if he was still flirting or actually complimenting you, deciding on the latter.

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