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I sat on my bed quietly reading a wattpad book as Lana Del Rey played softly from YouTube. I'm Sinead (sin + aid) O'Donnell and I'm 17. My mom died a year ago while walking home. She was raped and killed by a drunk man. My dad remarried six months ago and last weekend we moved here from Dublin Ireland. I honestly know nothing about America. I'm fluent in English, French, Irish, and Spanish. So that should help me out a little.

"Sinead, turn that depressing music off." My stepbrother Carter said. "Its not depressing." I said pausing the song. "Kinda is sis." He said. "What do you want?" I asked. "My friends are coming over and I want you to meet them." He said. "Do I have to?" I groaned.

"Yes, they're gonna be your transportation to and from school." He said. "Really?" I asked. "Yes." He said then the doorbell rang. "That's them." He said then ran downstairs. Carter's a year older than me and when we met he immediately started calling me sis.

I climbed out of bed and threw my hair into a ponytail. I walked downstairs and saw three tall guys sitting on the couch. "Guys this is my stepsister Sinead, Sin these are my friends Julian, Ryan, and Adrian." He said. "Nice to meet y'all." I smiled. "Back at ya ginger." Ryan said. "Can I go back upstairs now?" I asked. "Nope, get to know them." He said. "She really doesn't have to." Julian said while typing away on his phone.

"Nah, I wanna get to know her." Adrian said and Julian groaned. I sighed and sat on the chair across from the boys. "So Sinead, where you from?" Adrian asked. "Dublin." I said. "Ireland?" Ryan asked. "Yeah." I said. "That's explains the strong accent." He said and I nodded.

"Do you have freckles like the others?" Adrian asked. "A little." I said. "Where?" He asked. "Not telling." I said. "Oh come on." He said and I chuckled. "You guys want pizza?" Carter asked and we nodded.

"You play video games?" Ryan asked. "No." I said. "Wanna learn?" He asked. "Uh, sure." I said. "Jay, you playing Call Of Duty?" He asked and Julian nodded. Julian is really cute. He has the bad boy image which is really attractive. Ryan handed me a controller and we started playing.


"You cheated!" Julian yelled. "How?" I chuckled. "You definitely know how to play Sin." Ryan said. "Pizza's here!" Carter yelled walking into the living room. He sat the boxes down and we all grabbed a slice. "So first day tomorrow, y'all ready?" Adrian asked.

"Yeah." I said. "I'm not." Julian said. "Why not?" I asked. "The girls are gonna be all over him." Ryan said. "Oh." I chuckled. "Lucky me." He groaned. "You should be happy your getting girls." I shrugged. "It gets tiring." He said. Never met a boy that gets tired of girls.

I finished eating and decided to let them have their guy time. I walked upstairs and went into my room. I climbed in bed and played Lana Del Rey. I sung along to ultraviolence as I continued to read. "Hey honey." My dad said walking into my room. "Hey dad." I smiled. "How you doing?" He asked. "I'm good, hanging in there." I chuckled. "Okay well imma go start on dinner." He said. "Okay dad." I said then he walked out.

I went back to reading then my door opened again. "Sinny poo." Carter said. "What." I groaned. "You want powered doughnuts?" He asked. "What?" I asked. "Doughnuts with powered sugar on them." He said. "Uh, sure." I said. "Okay I'll bring so back." He replied and I nodded. I turned my music up and sung along to Paper Thin by Astrid S. I stood up and walked out to my balcony. This is the first time I've been out here.

I looked across from me and saw a boy with dirty blonde hair and bright green eyes looking at me. "Hey Ginger." He smirked. "Hi." I said. "I'm Dylan." He said. "Sinead." I said. "Nice name, aren't you Carter's stepsister?" He asked. "Yeah." I said. "Oh cool." He said.

"Where you from?" He asked. "Ireland." I said. "Oh cool, isn't that where the dudes where skirts?" He asked. "No that's Scotland and they're called kilts." I said. "Oh okay." He said. This boy is dumb. "Uh, I gotta go, see ya later." I said. "See ya." He said.

I walked back into my room and closed the door behind me. I sat back on my bed and continued to read the book. Carter walked back in and gave me a bag. I thanked him then ate a doughnut. Omg, I think I'm in love. This snack is the best thing ever. I officially love America now.


Its now dinner time and I am sitting with my family. My step mom made meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and salad. I ate quietly as my dad talked. "You excited for tomorrow?" He asked me. "Yeah." I said. "If anyone tries to mess with you, give them a good ol' Irish lass kicking." He said and I chuckled. "Don't worry about that pops she's safe with me." Carter said and I smiled at him. "So Sinead you ever thought about dying your hair?" My step mom asked. "No, I like my hair color." I said. "She acts just like her mom." My dad said. "Yup my mom embraced her race and its culture." I said. "You sound like an activist." Carter said. "Shut up." I chuckled.

After dinner we had lemon cake. It was really good. I had like five slices. "Sinead you're gonna have to poop." Carter said. "Don't care, its worth it." I chuckled. I finished eating then washed the dishes. I finished then said goodnight to everyone. I went to my room, set my alarm then drifted off to sleep.


Hello! How are you doing? Well I'm back at I again for book #3! I hope you enjoy this one like you did my other two (if you read them) :)

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