Unwanted To Loved Ch. 16

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Matt's P.O.V.

I was still doing the dishes and trying to ignore my sister. I may love her but sometimes she could get on my nerves.

"Where's Ruby?" I hear Brian ask.

I turn around not caring that I still had soapy water on my hands and I noticed that Ruby was gone. I smelled the air and realized that her scent was strong so that meant she was near. I ran towards the stairs, about to run up when I stopped just for a second to smell her scent again. Her scent was old so I went to the front door and smelled that she had just recently went outside. 

I flung the door opened and ran out. I stopped just for a second to shift and then I ran, ran to find her. I saw three males surrounding something, I at first thought maybe it was an animal but my wolf Phoenix started acting up.

'Mate.' He growled out.

I shoved my way past the males and saw a female wolf on the ground.

'Mate.' He growled out again.

'You three go to my office now and stay there.' I ordered them.

They quickly left so I shifted back as a human and picked Ruby up. As I was carrying her, I noticed that she had shifted back as well. I got to the infirmary and saw Eric at the desk.

"What happened?" He asks standing up.

"Later. Help her now." I order.

I follow Eric to the beds and lay her down gently.

"I need to go punish the three who did this to her." I say.

"I'll let you know how she's doing." Eric tells me.

I left the room and into the house. I saw Brian and Amy sitting at the couch.

"Brian, head to the infirmary and wait for Ruby to wake up." I order.

He got up and ran out. Amy got up and tried to get answers from me. I ignored her and went into my office where the three males were at.  Phoenix and I were beyond pissed off, how dare these three attack my mate.

I looked into each of their eyes and noticed that they were scared. Good, because their going to wish they were dead by the time I am done with them.

"Do you realize that, that female you just attacked is my mate?" I growled out.

All three of them lower their heads.

"For your punishment you will be..." I began to say.

The door opens to reveal...

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