Unwanted To Loved Ch. 2

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Ruby's P.O.V.

I learned at an early age to wait for father to go bed and then to fall asleep myself. Sometimes father would come into my room and beat me. If I was asleep when he came in he would slap me really hard which would cause me to wake up and yell at him, which was what he really wanted because then he would start the beatings. 

I went to bed after eating the little table scraps that father left. I wasn't allowed to eat a lot, father made sure to watch what I was doing in the kitchen. I quickly changed into my pajamas not wanting father to come in and see my body...who knows what he would do...it makes me sick just thinking about it. I got into bed and my eyes were threatening to close on me; I had to keep them open until I heard his door slam shut. 

My brother Dylan, ended up moving out of the house and into the pack house. The family and I were sent to this house because we are the weakest links in the pack. Dylan, thanks to the Alpha's son, got to be the pack warrior. 

My eyes were just about ready to close when I heard my door slam open and then suddenly father was in front of me. He punched me in the face and then he went down and punched me in the gut three times and then back at my face once more before leaving. I heard his door slam shut. 

I decided then and there that I had, had enough of his shit so I got out of the bed and went to my closet to change out of my pajamas and into something else. I opened the bedroom door and walked out not caring about my belongings. I went to the kitchen and quietly as I could, opened the fridge door and I grabbed a bottled water and then I grabbed two bananas so I could eat a bit more.

I made sure that the front door didn't make any noise as I walked out the house and I began walking through the forest. Everyone should be asleep and the guards that are usually supposed to make their rounds are probably passed out cause their lazy like that. I soon finished the two bananas and the water so I shifted into my pure black wolf named Lizzy. She took off excited for two reasons; one, we were leaving our abusive pack behind and two, she finally gets to have her run.

We ran for quite sometime, the territory in my old pack was massive so hopefully I can get out of here before anyone notices that I'm missing. I finally noticed that the territory was coming to an end, hopefully the next pack over is stupid as well and don't have guards out patrolling. I passed the old packs territory and went into the next one; I didn't get very far though because I got tackled from the side. 

I tried to get up but then one of the wolves went and bit my neck hard. I stayed still, not moving and I felt the wolf let go of my neck. 

"Shift!" I heard a guy say.

My wolf shifted for me and I ended up passing out from exhaustion. 

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