Unwanted To Loved Ch. 29

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Ruby's P.O.V.

"I promise to visit later, if that is okay with your mate and I will be bringing my Alpha with me." Dylan says.

"Why will you be bringing your Alpha?" Matt asks.

"You'll see." Dylan replies.

Then Dylan and the pack leave. I was glad that it didn't come down to a fight. The pack began to leave and I was going to follow but Matt was holding my hand tight. 

I look up at him. "What's wrong?" I ask.

"I love you." He says. 

I smile. "I love you too." I say back. 

Then Matt and I head back to the house. Matt had to finish his paperwork so I sat back down on the couch and began reading my book. I heard a knock on the door and I hear Matt say to come in. The door opens and I see Dylan and Issac the Alpha's son. 

"I thought you were going to bring the Alpha." I say.

Issac turns to look at me, he smiles and waves at me. "My father handed the Alpha position to me." He says.

"Congrats." I say.

"Please sit." Matt says gesturing to the two chairs on the other side of the desk.

I noticed that Issac had a rolled up paper in his hand. He hands the rolled up paper to Matt.

"What is this?" Matt asks.

"Read it and find out." Issac replies.

I hear the paper being unrolled and I see Matt reading it. Then after three minutes he looks back up at Issac. 

"You want us to be allies?" Matt asks.

Issac nods his head. "I know we haven't been on good terms and I apologize on behalf of my father." He replies. 

I see Matt glancing at me as if asking for permission so I nod my head.

"We can put that all behind us and start over." Matt says. 

I watch Matt grab a pen and he writes something on the paper.

Issac turns to look at me. "I will also need your signature as well Ruby." He says.

I place the book on the couch and then I stand up, and walk over to Matt. He hands me the pen and I sign my name underneath his and then I place the pen on the desk. Issac reaches for the paper and he rolls it up.

"Thank you both." He says standing up.

Issac then heads to the door, opens it and then he walks out into the hallway. He waves goodbye and then he closes the door. 

"If it's okay with you Matt, I would like to stay for a while and hang out with Ruby." Dylan says.

"Of course I am. I still need to catch up on these documents." Matt says. 

Dylan gets up and heads over to the door.

I kiss Matt on the cheek. "Love you." I whisper.

He looks up at me, kisses me on the lips. "Love you too babe." He says.

I walk over to Dylan and we leave the room to head outside. I head over to the grass and sit down and then he sits down in front of me.

"Are you happy here?" Dylan asks.

"Of course I am! Why would you ask that?" I question.

Dylan smiles a little. "I'm just making sure that you are." He says.

"So tell me everything. I want to know what happened after I left." I say.

"Oh alright." Dylan says.

Then Dylan began to tell me everything that had happened.

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