"Yes. It is." I laugh, "Next came water, most of which you've already seen."

He mutters in agreement, waiting for me to continue.

I oblige, "When there's no water source nearby, I have to pull from the air or the trees or grass or bushes. I hate pulling water from plants, but I've had to in the past. For now, though, I think I'll just pull from the air if you don't mind."

He gestures for me to go on, which I do, pulling droplets of water from the surrounding air.

The look on his face is one of utter fascination, until I harden the drops into dangerous spikes and point them directly at his chest.

"This is the more dangerous side of that ability.  You've seen something like this.  Remember the library?" I recall the unfortunate incident, noting once again that Loki is not at all a morning person.

He chuckles and nods, "Yes.  Let's not do that again."

I drop the ice and it melts slowly into the ground.

"Fire is last.  I only found out I had influence over it about half a century ago.  It's a relatively new skill and the one I have the least control over." I flick my finger, a little flame shooting from its tip. 

I decide not to elaborate on the ability.

"You already know how dangerous fire can be, Loki." I stare at the flame, "But it can also be very beautiful."

I move the little flame from fingertip to fingertip, focusing on it until it begins to grow and take the shape of a butterfly.  I remove my hand and let it flutter around until it disappears with a small puff of smoke.

Loki stares at the smoke for a moment until he speaks up, "There is power in your gifts, Flora."

The tone in his voice is careful, as if trying very hard not to say the wrong thing.

"You should be cautious.  There are those who would use you to do terrible things if given the chance."

I sigh deeply.  "They've already tried."

He turns to look at me beginning to say something.

I stop him, "I told you I knew monsters, Loki.  I wasn't lying."

"I know." He murmurs quietly.

"I said I would tell you another time."

"You did."

I look at him carefully, "I suppose now is a good a time as any."

I sit down in the long grass, absentmindedly twirling it between my fingers as I try to decide what to say.

"Before fire," I begin slowly, "I could only control water and plants.  Even so, I had more power than anyone really should.  It was a little over 200 years ago.  I had just come out of isolation, and was just beginning to try and embrace what I was.  I was experimenting I guess you could say. 

"I didn't know that there were forces looking for living weapons.  I didn't know that there were monsters out there, Loki.  If I had, I would have stayed hidden. 

"One day, I heard a voice in my head.  Telling me I was special, saying that I could be more powerful than I could ever imagine.  He told me I could rule here on earth."  I look up at Loki, who has the most peculiar expression on his face.

"That was his first mistake.  He thought I wanted power.

"I asked him who he was and he told me that he was the one who could give me everything I could ever wish for, if I only served him and helped him to defeat those who were his enemies.

A Very Unlikely Tale // LokiWhere stories live. Discover now