Chapter 38: Invisible Ties

Start from the beginning

Then he turned away and yanked the two halves of his heart together again. All the Shepherds were watching him now.

"The war is ended, my friends," he said. "Never again will the fell dragon trouble this world. I owe you all far more than words can ever repay. Especially Robin, who gave herself to save us all." His breath caught. "To save all the worlds to come."

"P-poor Robin," Lissa said. "After everything she did for us..."

"Don't cry, Lissa," Chrom said gently. "We'll see her again, I'm sure of it. Remember what Naga said? That Robin would survive if our ties were strong enough. This isn't over. I believe Robin is out there...somewhere."

Morgan's crying quietened. He looked up, a glimmer of hope in his expression. But it quickly vanished.

Chrom knew that his children could feel Robin's presence, even if they were afraid to believe.

He had never been afraid to put his faith in Robin. Not when he had found her in that field, not when the plan to save Emmeryn had failed, and not even when she had revealed that she'd been destined to kill him.

He certainly wasn't going to lose faith now.

"I'll find her," he said. "Even if it takes me the rest of my days, I will find her."

"You're right!" Lissa forced some brightness into her voice. "She has to be out there somewhere. We'll find a way to bring her home, even if we have to search every open field in this whole stupid world!"

"I believe the same, milord," Frederick said. "Robin is too strong to simply disappear. It falls to us to look after the realm until she returns."

"Yes." Sumia leaned against her husband. "I know she's alive. All the more reason to work hard between now and her return!"

"I can feel it, too," Stahl said. "Robin is out there, waiting for us."

"Too many times now have I watched loved ones give their lives for me," Cordelia said, straightening her back. "I must hold on to faith that this time will be different."

"She did what she had to do," Basilio said. "That's the mark of a true warrior! She'll be back. I'd bet my sweet, brown arse on it!"

"Leave it to Robin to take responsibility for all of us," Flavia said. "If she cared for us that much, I hope she knows how we still need her."

Lucina and Morgan exchanged a glance. Lucina gave Chrom a small nod.

"Thank you," he said. "Robin has secured for us all the most precious gift: a future. Now it falls upon our shoulders to protect what was given. When Robin returns, I want her to see what her sacrifice bought. And, Robin, if you can hear will always have a place here with us. Remember that."

He paused, hoping to feel some sort of response from her again. All he felt was his heart hammering painfully in his chest.

But as they started to walk in the direction of the distant Dragon's Table and their carriages, a gentle voice whispered something on the breeze. The sound was so quiet that it was barely there.

"Thank you. Take me to my body, so that I may walk amongst you again."


The eight days it took to get to the beginning were the longest eight days of Chrom's life.

It was worse than when they had retreated from Plegia after Emmeryn's death. It was worse than when they had travelled towards the Dragon's Table, chasing after the Fire Emblem. It was worse than when they had hurried towards Mount Prism, trying to pry the world from Grima's grasp.

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