Chapter 16: Emmeryn

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Plegia Castle courtyard was filled to the brim with soldiers eager to watch Emmeryn's execution.

Thankfully, the majority of them were neither alert nor on duty. The minority either kept control over the crowd of Plegian citizens that had gathered or patrolled the area with their weapons drawn. Some stood at the entrances, eyes peeled for intruders. The Mad King was clearly expecting us.

Emmeryn was standing on the end of a long ledge that stretched high over the courtyard, bruised and bleeding. Her head was lowered and her were eyes closed, her hands clasped together in a prayer. Initially I had wondered if she was praying for us to save her, but now I thought that it was more likely she was praying for her siblings and the people of Ylisse. Little did she know that the former were here.

Flavia and I'd had to brace her brother when the Plegian Guard had first brought her out. Now he was trembling with rage next to me in our hiding place, poised to spring like a lion for its prey.

Our group, which consisted of the Shepherds and Flavia, were hiding both in and around a monstrously large dragon skull that was easily ten times the size of the castle. Basilio was leading a group of men to rescue Phila and her pegasus knights, and our combined army was a few minutes' march away. If everything went to plan, the timing would be impeccable.

"Warriors of Plegia! Welcome, one and all!"

I looked up towards the castle and saw that Gangrel had emerged. He was standing at the top of the steps, looking smugly out at the citizens and soldiers who were gathered below. They began cheering for him. Nausea rose in my throat.

"Your anticipation electrifies the air!" Gangrel continued over the shouts of the audience. "We all remember the crimes of Ylisse. Would you have their witch-queen answer for them?" He cackled. "Finally, we will have justice! Executioner, if you would be so kind..."

"Flavia!" I shouted. Gangrel clearly wasn't hanging about.

"I've got him!" Her axe flew through the air towards the ledge.

It barrelled into the executioner's ribs. He stumbled back and fell as Emmeryn turned around in confused horror.

The soldiers of Plegia looked towards our hiding place. All of them.

"Everyone, now!" I said.

Flavia lifted her fingers to her lips and released a shrill whistle.

Our armies charged through the entrances to the courtyard, taking the Plegians by surprise. I had been betting on their expectation for the Shepherds to come alone, led by a prince driven to be stupid through his rage.

We burst out of the skull, falling into formation quickly. Cordelia and Sumia shot off in different directions to join the pegasus knights who were already in the sky, their task being to clear it. The rest of us advanced towards the enemies who were on the ground.

As soon as we reached the nearest Plegian soldiers, we began to hack through them with menace. Our determination and anger fuelled us as we slaughtered them, stepped over their bodies, and moved on to the next in line. I had been studying my tome thoroughly in the last few days and had learnt some stronger spells, which I launched at the soldiers. Those who didn't get a dose of my magic were felled with my sword instead.

Chrom tore into them with Falchion, pulling ahead of me as he let loose on his rage and became consumed by it. On my other side, Flavia performed all her killings with a smirk on her face.

But the Plegians were stronger than I had been expecting, even with their one army against our two. The advantage of our surprise attack quickly started to wear off.

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