Chapter Nine - I'm Falling

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[Not a Happy Story...but the song is Chillstep a form of Electro. It's chill so enjoy it while ya read! You'll need it.]

"Shit! Marcus!" Wrench screamed in worry. His voice cracked and was heard through the synthesizer, crystal clear. What had happened? What the hell had happened? Marcus...

He was there, he was just there!

Sitara had screamed, but quickly stopped and continued to fire her gun with more passion than before. Josh had been behind a concrete structure on his laptop trying to access the locked door that need an access key. He jumped when he heard Wrench scream. What had happened to Marcus?

He was there, next to Wrench. They were under fire as well as everyone else with them. It was when Marcus turned to get a better angle, it happened.

He stood up slightly to run for better cover. But he didn't time it right. One of the Umnei Corps guards had been trained on Marcus the moment he saw him. Only firing at him, but stacked in full body armor. He could stand in plain sight and even the famous: Good Bye, World shotgun would take two rounds to kill him.

What the actual fuck was the armor made of? It didn't matter right now though. Marcus made it to his new cover, but suffered a wound.

A bullet had nailed his abdomen. He hissed in pain struggling to keep his lower body out of the danger zone. Wrench was shocked and cried out after Marcus when it appeared that his body had gone limp.

"Sitara we need to go!" Wrench yelled at her, his head still directed at Marcus' un-moving body. She ducked her head as whirling and whistling bullets went above and by her head. "I know but they're still shooting. And half the fuckers are coated in body armor!" She yelled back.

Apparently they forgot Josh was there...

The entire block had lost its power. The sky was a dark orange being slightly tainted by the darkness of night. While the Umnei Corps where distracted Wrench made a b-line for Marcus.

The tough-hipster-black man was heavy as hell, Wrench insisted that he could make it back to the get away car before the back up power came on.

He made it. And Marcus was regaining consciousness. Josh jumped in the passengers seat while Sitara took driver's. So Wrench and Marcus were left in the back, masked anarchist pleading for Marcus to stop bleeding.

Sitara floored it and they were at zero to sixty and three seconds. Thank God for that. The power kicked back on but they were already several blocks away. "W-Wrench, s'that you?" Marcus' voice was scratchy. Sounded worn and about ready to die.

"Y-yes Marcus! Marcus it's me, and don't call me Wrench, call me Reggie." His real name.

"Reggie?" Marcus repeated as more of a question. He didn't know if he was messing around or not, but he couldn't have been. You could hear the worry in his voice. Even with the synthesizer distorting it.

Marcus smiled much as he could. It looked like it was hurting him to smile, but why wouldn't he try? Wrench told him his real name. He was going to eventually...right?

Wrench had a breathless laugh at Marcus' attempt to smile. He was okay right? Of course! He wouldn't let his boyfriend die on him.

No, let's be realistic here.

Marcus tried to laugh too. It resulted in a nasty cough that even startled Sitara. Josh looked scared and turned to see Marcus but the anarchist was in the way. But he knew it wasn't good. "Fuck, no, no, no!" Wrench rambled. "We need to fix him up, now!" He demanded. Wrench had shifted slightly, allowing Josh to see clearly. His eyes widened in fear. "Sitara we need to take him to a fucking hospital."

Blood spilled from his mouth. It was unpleasant. He continued to cough and more blood followed. Soaking the top of his shirt evenly, to match the blood on the bottom.

Sitara looked behind her for a split second and nodded. Hospital it was right? Nope.

"We can't take him to a fucking hospital!" Wrench yelled angrily turning back to the two in the front seat. Angry emotes on his mask for more emphasis if his voice and body language weren't enough.

"Wrench, I don't think I can make it."

"What?" Wrench turned to look at Marcus. His face was stained with tears. Tears mixing with the blood left a nasty taste in Marcus' mouth.

"Marcus you'll make it." He turned to face Josh and Sitara. "But we're not taking him to the fucking hospital! They'll find out who he is!" That was true.

Sure he erased who he was off of CTOS, but with Dusan Nemec knowing who he was. It wasn't easy staying off the radar. They'd erase Marcus, but then he'd reappear again with more warrants.

It was frustrating to say the least, and apparently everyone forgot that except Wrench. "As soon as they fix him up, the police, ok the fucking police. They'll be there waiting to take him! And I don't want that!"

The car was eerily quiet after that outburst. Even if the cause for Marcus' confirmed death was Wrench's reluctance to take him to the hospital he didn't want him to die there or live and be taken to a prison.

"Wrench, look at me..." Marcus spoke barely above a whisper. Wrench did as he was told. "I love you Reginald. You. Wrench and Reggie. I love 'em b-both." He began coughing again.

"And I care a lot about Josh, Sitara, You, Dedsec, Ray even. But I'm gonna be just like Horatio. But it wasn't your fault Wrench." He choked and coughed and struggled to get his words out. Blood still dripping from his mouth like a bloody nose.

His eyes fluttered and they looked glazed over. They were loosing him. His last words? Were...those weren't his last...they couldn't be! Right?

Wrench through his mask off. Landing somewhere in the back seat. "M-Marcus stay with me-"

The hipster shook his head. "I can't stay Wrench...your hands, they're covered in blood." He didn't notice that they were. Tears streamed down the anarchist face. He'd finally found the man he loved and they got together four months ago. He wanted to spend his life with him.

But that dream was cut short.

"Hey, Reggie? Mind given' me a kiss before I go?" Marcus asked his voice straining like hell. Wrench nodded eagerly.

He leaned in and their lips met. Wrench for once didn't hold back. He dipped his tongue into Marcus' mouth despite the taste of blood. But Marcus didn't put up much of a fight. He was leaving. Wrench broke the kiss. He was crying now full on.

Sitara was as well. But she had to keep driving despite her lack of vision. Josh had almost cried. But he doesn't, not because he doesn't care. But because it's hard for him to cry. He just can't no matter how much he wants too.

"I love you Reginald..."

His last words. Before he had died in Wrench's arms. He should be thankful.
That he didn't have to hear Wrench's screams of pain and agony. Almost causing Sitara to crash. She didn't though. They made it to the Hackerspace. And they managed to live with the sudden absence of Marcus. Wrench had a few..."incidents" but nonetheless he made it.
Hey, so this was depressing, right? Be glad I didn't kill everyone in the car cause I was honestly thinking about it. But this'll be probably my only, sad-depressing-ass-story-ever-in-a-while.

Thanks for reading...
Zanpai <3

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