Chapter Five - Josh's Amazing Eavesdropping Skills

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Marcus was bored out of his mind sitting on the old worn out couch in the Hackerspace. He had long since put his phone beside him staring blankly at the wall. Sitara would walk by occasionally asking if he was alright. Truth was he wasn't. He was honestly confused about something, and what it was, was rather embarrassing to admit. But Marcus had insisted to Sitara that he was fucking alright, but he knew sure as hell she wasn't just gonna leave him alone. Especially since he would glance often at the 'Wrench Bench' staring at the masked man with tattoos all over his body.

"Marcus I know something's up, you're bad at hiding it." Sitara began as she sat next to Marcus. Careful not to speak so loudly that a certain person could hear them. Marcus sighed as he stole another glance at Wrench. "I don't know...I just feel like-"
"Like your in love?" Sitara said smirking a little. Marcus huffed feeling his body temperature increase. "Who said anything" Marcus said averting his gaze to the ground.
Silence had interrupted their little talk for while. Though it didn't take long for someone else to join in unannounced due to eavesdropping.
"You like Wrench?" Josh said nonchalantly glaring at Marcus, with new found interest. Marcus groaned in frustration by the fact that they were all having this dumbass conversation, literally 10 feet away from the very person they're talking about.

Josh looked at Wrench and then at Marcus clearly in thought. Josh simply walked over to Wrench and when he was halfway there he made a point to tell Marcus that he was gonna tell Wrench. By that time it was too late. Marcus had bolted straight off the couch and made a bee-line straight for Josh to tell him the shut the fuck up, all happened to fast.

"Wrench." Josh said simply standing there patiently. Wrench had finally turned around question marks on his mask. "What is it, I'm busy." He said waving the screw driver violently as he spoke. Josh took a step back from Wrench's violent display, but continued anyway. "I think Marcus has a crush on you." He said. Marcus froze literally a good 4 feet away sucker punching Josh as if that would help Wrench's curiosity if Josh had only gotten out a few words. Sitara had been laughing there sitting on the couch, watching Josh stand there idly waiting for some type of reply. Wrench flashed through various emoticons but eventually his goggles were blank. It was rather awkward how he just stood there unable to say anything or display some kind of emotion.
Surprisingly enough though Marcus instead of bolting for the door and leaving his phone behind broke the painful silence. "It's- I mean...uh, It's true. I do like you, alot." Marcus stumbled over his own words. Though there was no real answer on his goggles or through his synthetic voice, the skin on his neck was quickly turning red. Sitara and Josh had remained silent. Trying to be almost non existent watching carefully and curiously.
"Well shit man, you could've told me yourself instead of sending this dipshit; no offense Josh." Wrench said display a smiley face on his goggles. He set his screw driver down on the the Wrench Bench and pulled Marcus in for a hug. Heart emoticons displayed on his face. "I love you too, Wrench." Marcus said returning the hug.
Ironically unnoticed was Sitara who was patting Josh on the back for being so bold as to say something like that. It was truly a happy day, for Dedsec.
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Inspired by my random mind and ability to type out random stories...

That's What Happens - Watch Dogs 2 [MarcusxWrench]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora