Chapter Eight - New Year [Part Three]

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Six o' clock in the afternoon/late evening was when everyone arrived, including Raymond "T-Bone" Kenny. He wasn't at the party last night for personal reasons supposedly. Marcus had been reading over Wrench's messages taking a break only to think back to 'zero dark thirty'. It was rather difficult considering the fact he was completely drunk then and had a hangover. Speaking of which he had a major migraine and was growing increasingly irritated by it. Finally the four who just entered reached the bottom steps. "Hey, Marcus! How're you?" Raymond said walking up to him. Sitara and Josh followed; Wrench lurking behind them slowly. Marcus had a blank-slate face. He moved to face them but it felt surreal, as if he hadn't moved at all. "H-hey guys. You left me all alone here for about three hours." Marcus joked. The searing headache made it hard to speak or really even smile. He tried not to wince while waiting for a reply. Raymond hesitated to reply. When he did he asked if Marcus was alright. Which followed with an lack of an answer. Sitara had wandered over to her "station" where she eavesdropped quietly over Marcus and Raymond's debate if he was really okay.

Though Josh could honestly careless he questioned Marcus. "Hey did you read our texts?" Marcus went from looking at Raymond to Josh in a heartbeat. "Yeah, yeah...I read them." He said nodding to himself really. Josh's face unwavering questioned him again. "But you didn't respond. Did you?" Marcus froze a minute. Thinking back to it he was going to reply. I mean it'd be rude not too. Though it was the texts that Wrench sent that sent him into several hours of contemplating and headaches.

"I was gonna reply, but I got distracted-"
"By what?" Josh cut him off. What was this exactly? Interrogation? Please, this was ridiculous. "Uh, well a text...several texts." Marcus looked perplexed. But an idea pop into his head.
"Yo, Wrench remember that thing?"
Question marks flashed on Wrench's goggles confused. "That...thing?" Wrench repeated unsure of what was happening. He looked at Marcus' beckoning him to just go along with it.

"Oh, yeah, that thing!" Wrench's voice piped pointing at Marcus, Carey's flashing in his goggles. "Yeah let's leave so we can do that thing." Marcus hopped off the couch and grabbed Wrench's arm, pulling him up the stairs (past everyone who looked confused as fuck). He hammered in the code and waited for what seemed like forever as the door slowly opened. He yanked Wrench through the door, out of the building and to the park across the street. He let go of Wrench sighing in relief.

"What the hell was that about, Marcus?" Wrench ask rubbing his arm. Their were red imprints on it, surprisingly visible considering all the tattoos. It took him a while to answer. When he did his voice was low and sincere. "I don't remember last night," he rubbed the back of his head. "But based off your texts I'm guessing I said something and you don't know what it was." Wrench's masked went from carets to question marks. It hadn't gone blank yet, which was a relief. "Yeah, M. You were really fuckin' drunk." He chuckled a little. "Marcus do you think you remember what you said?" Marcus smirked and held a finger up. He pulled out his phone and unlocked it. A few seconds later Wrench's phone buzzed. He jumped, reaching for his back pocket.

Heart emoji's flashed on his goggles. He chuckled nervously and scratched at his arm. "I'd totally fuck you Marcus." He said flipping off the black male. Marcus chuckled punching Wrench's shoulder playfully, ignoring the spikes on his vest. "You can try."

Marcus: I love you. Happy New Year <3
Bonus or naw?
And if it's a bonus ya want from your Zanpai, lemon ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) or fluff?
I would've put something more outlandish in the text, but I'm not that ducking weird. I think?

Song: [DnB] One Minute - Krewella DotEXE Remix

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