Chapter II: Alone I Break

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Watching that monster stand and clap excitedly as he walked towards me was like something out of a nightmare. He stopped inches away from my face and leaned in. Licking his quivering lips, he reached towards my hair with a swollen hand. The metallic stench of his breath when he let forth a moan was revolting. I gagged and attempted to pull away, but he gripped the back of my neck, and I found myself staring into soulless brown eyes.

"What lovely hair you have! Oh, the plans I have for you, my dear."

That was the last thing I remember before waking up in this trunk. Poor Parker. Regardless of how I felt about him, seeing what was left of his headless corpse; he didn't deserve that horrific fate.

"Did you get a look at her?" George asked, breaking me from my thoughts.

"Get a look at who?"

"Mother Teresa. Who do you think? The girl in the trunk, you dumbass."

Walt chuckled. "Fuck you, George. And no, I didn't. I try to avoid any eye contact with Toro. When he came out from that house with someone under his arm, I just turned away until he told us we'd be the ones taking her to Doc's dead brother's place. I couldn't care less about what she looked like."

George grunted. "Should've looked, man. She's got a hell of a body on her. Could eat her right up!"

Again, they roared with laughter. After a slight pause, George spoke again. When he did, a chill ran up my spine.

"Want to take a gander at her?"

"What? No way. Let's just get her where she's going and be done with it. I like being alive, with my skin right where it is, thank you very much."

"Come on, Walt. Don't be such a pussy. When's the last time you been with a woman?"

My eyes went wide.

"What the fuck are you getting at, George?"

"Don't play stupid. You know exactly what I'm getting at." George let a sinister chuckle escape his lips as the car slowed to a stop. "I think I'll have a little fun before we get back to Haven."

I shut my eyes, trying to block out the reality of what was happening. I focused on the reasons I'd made it this far, what kept one foot moving in front of the other.

My anchors.

I waited to hear my father's strict yet nurturing voice telling me to keep calm, assess the situation, create a solution to the problem, then execute each step with utter precision.

I waited for Kip's piercing blue eyes to melt away my fears. His gorgeous smile, entrancing me...right up until some smart-ass comment flew from his mouth, making me laugh.

I waited for my mother's angelic presence to wash over me, making me feel safe, loved....


Ominous silence greeted my mind.

I saw nothing.

I heard nothing.

And that terrified me more than anything.

In that moment, I knew I was alone. The familiar darkness of despair and depression reared its ugly head from the depths, trying to break through the defenses it took me so long to construct. I could hear the whispers of its cloying, toxic words in my mind, laying the foundation for an assault I feared I wouldn't be able to keep at bay this time.

Not without them...

Why had they abandoned me now? Had something happened to them? The thought of—

From the Ash II: BrokenUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum