6.2 The First Kill

Start from the beginning

We took off deeper into the cave and the creature followed behind us. I pulled out my knife and turned around, stopping but the creature was gone. I frowned, looking around as I hold the knife tightly. "Scarlett, what are you doing?" Andrew asked as he and the other came back to my side.

"W-Where did you get that knife?" Anna asked. "No is not the time," I muttered. "Where is it?" Suddenly another roar came and we looked around. "Where is it?" Ash asked.

Just then, the creature dropped in front of us and roared again. "Run, now!" I yelled and the three did. The creature was about to attack me but then I stabbed the knife into it's stomach, making it roar in pain before I pulled the knife out and run after the three kids.

I found them, breathing heavily before they saw me. "Scarlett," Ash said, sighing in relief. "Are you okay?" Andrew asked. "Yeah, are you guys?" I asked before looking around. "Yeah," Ash said. "What are we going to do?" Anna asked.

"Well, first; we'll be quiet and second; agree never do things like this again," I said and they nodded. "We won't," Ash muttered. Right then, there were noises coming from behind me so I turned around before back to the kids, "Come on," I whispered and led them to the side.

I placed a finger to my lips, telling them to be quiet before holding up the bloody knife. I was about to stab the creature again but froze when I saw Dad walking in with his shotgun. "Dad!" I said, making him turn to us with his shotgun pointing at us but he quickly lowered it down when he saw me.

"Scarlett?" He asked, wide eyes. I bit my lower lip before letting a small shyly smile, "Hi." His jaw clenched shut and he pulled me to stand in front of him. "You supposed to be in school, what the hell are you doing here?"

"I -- I," I stuttered as I stared at his angry eyes. I wasn't going to lie, unlike Sam or Dean, I was scared when Dad would be angry. I never get close to him when he was like that, I would always stay at Sam's or Dean's side until he would calmed down even if I knew he would never hurt me.

Dad glanced over at my shoulder to see the three others before back at me, "Do you have any idea how dangers it is? You can get yourself and three others killed."

"But --"

"We'll talk about this later," He cut me off. "And your punishment."


We looked over to see Dean and Sam walking in with their shotguns. They looked at me with a shocked look, "Scar?" Dean asked. "What are you doing here?" They walked over to us and Sam placed his hand on my shoulder, "Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

I shook my head, biting my lower lip. Ash, Anna and Andrew walked to my side and I swallowed, "It's our fault for coming," Ash informed. "Scarlett told us not to."

Dad stared at the kids for a moment before letting out a sigh. He looked at Sam, "Get them out of here." He gave a small nod before starting to pull me and the three out. "I'm sorry," I muttered to my big brother. He wrapped his arm around me and continued to lead us out, "It's okay, just . . . don't do that anymore, okay?"

I nodded, "I won't," I said and we found our way out of the cave. "Okay, you and your friends will stay by the car. Don't move got it?" He ordered and I nodded before he took off back into the cave.

I turned back to the three, "Let's go wait at the car," I ordered before leading them to the Impala. We stood there for a minute or so, looking at the cave as we were waiting for my family to come back.

"I have to go back," I said. "What?" Andrew asked. "You can't. We shouldn't have come in the first place," Anna said. "Who's idea was it even?" I asked. "Mine," Ash muttered after a moment.

I let out a sigh, "It doesn't matter. I have to go, what if they need help?"

"How can you help them?" Ash asked. "You only have a knife."

I walked to the trunk and tried to open it but nothing. It need the keys to open it. I groaned before heading back to the cave with only my knife, "I'm a Winchester -- I'll find a way," I shot back.

I rushed back in and walked around quietly to find my Dad and brothers. They could be angry at me for coming back in but I didn't care. I had to see if they were fine. Suddenly, I heard roars and a few gun shots before they stopped.

I froze for a moment as I heard the roars again and then ran to the sound I thought they were coming from. I soon found the right side and froze; My brothers were on the hard ground, breathing heavily with their eyes closed and their shotguns beside them. I moved my eyes to the other side to see Dad on the ground and the creature approaching him, growling.

I grabbed Dean's shotgun and aimed it at the creature before shooting twice. It hit the creature at it's back and it let out a roar before it started to burn, felling to it's kneels. Dad quickly got up as we watched the creature falling to the ground, turning to ashes.

I slowly looked up at Dad but didn't met his eyes, "You alright?" I asked nervously. He gave a small nod before walking over to my side as Dean and Sam got up. Dad reached his hand and patted me on the shoulder. "Good job."

I stared at him with a frown before glancing at my brothers; Dean gave a nod to me yet he didn't seem pleased while Sam showed that he wasn't happy, his jaw was clenched shut and he narrowed his eyes at Dad.

They grabbed their things and we headed outside there Anna, Ash and Andrew were still waiting for us. "You kids alright?" Dean asked and they nodded. "Is it . . . Dead?" Anna asked. "Yeah," Dad informed. "But you guys can't go do things like that again, okay?"

"We know," Andrew said. "We won't do it again."

Dad nodded, "Good. You know you can't tell anyone of this, right?" He asked and they nodded. "We won't," Ash confirmed. "Okay, you guys need to head back to school," Sam said before looking at me, "Scar, go with them. We'll talk later."

"Am I still in trouble?" I asked, looking between my Dad and brothers. "Yes," The three replied at the same time. "But . . ." Dad started and let out a sigh, "You saved our ass back there, so I'll go easy on you."

I smiled a little and he returned it before nodding his head to me and the other kids, "Go on."

End of flashback


"That day, Sam got into an argument with Dad; saying that he should have scolded me for coming back and not saying I did a good job," I said. "Well, if I was Sam I would have done the same thing," Jo said. "Yeah," I muttered. "Sam wanted you to have a normal life as much as possible," She said. "Can't blame him for trying to look after his little sister."

I let out a sigh before turning to my side, facing Jo. "I'm tired. Shut up and go to sleep," I joked and she let out a laugh. "You shut up," She shot back and I smirked. "Good night," I muttered. "Night, Scar," She said before I closed my eyes.

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