"Fitz and I will be ready to intervene if it gets too close. For now, try when they are about a foot away from the ground. You will get to the point that Fitz and I demonstrated another time." I said, and they nodded. Jetson fell back first, Gertrude catching him easily with her mind about a foot away from the ground. Jetson was just as successful at catching Gertrude. I opened a cabinet in the room with my mind, where the a ball that weight twice Fitz's weight resided. Fitz connected our hands, our cognate rings snapping together. Gertrude stared at our hands, mostly at the cognate rings present on our thumbs. Together, we used the telekinesis to move the ball from the cabinet to the ground in front of Gertrude and Jetson. 

"That ball, while it is tiny, weighs twice my weight." Fitz said, speaking to the two of them for the first time. "Your goal is to use your telekinesis to get it to our feet. You must  work together for this to be possible." Both of them squinted at the ball, but the ball didn't budge. "Are you helping each other?" Fitz asked. They both nodded. 

"May I help one of you guys lift the ball, to show you what helping feels like?" I asked. Gertrude nodded, and I took her hand in mine. I nodded,  entering her mind and letting her do the telekinesis. I wrapped my consciousness around hers, sending her energy. Slowly the ball moved slightly. I increased the amount of energy I was sending, and the ball moved quicker. Finally, I sent a small brain push, and the ball shot to where it was supposed to be. I exited Gertrude's mind, smiling at her face.

"Gertrude, what did it feel like having me help you?" I asked.

"It felt like your consciousness was wrapped around mine." She said carefully. "And you were sending me a constant flow of energy. It seemed like you did a brain push at the end." She continued. I nodded, smiling. 

"Try again, but move it back to your feet." Fitz said, and Jetson gripped Gertrude's hand. The ball moved slightly, before shooting forwards. Both telepaths opened their eyes and cheered, as the bell rang.

"We'll see you next week with some more exercises!" I called, and they waved goodbye. I sat back down, waiting for the next prodigy. Fitz sat down next to me, grabbing my hand. We moved the ball back into its cabinet, and then I sighed, leaning into him. 


"Hi....Lady Song and Sir Vacker." The next prodigy said, blushing. I smiled, remembering when Tiergan came back simply to teach me. Though all telepaths knew they could potentially get me and Fitz, it was difficult because we got all the cognates and were often assigned the strongest telepaths. 

"Hello." Fitz said, shaking the girls hand politely.I shook her hand as well, before taking my seat next to Fitz.

Alright. So what should we do? Test her skills? I transmitted to Fitz. He shrugged and we had her perform tasks that all level 8 telepaths should be able to do quickly and easily. We then had he do some more difficult tasks, progressing until she couldn't do anything. 

"Well done." I said, as my imparter rang. I glanced at Fitz to continue the lesson, as I went out in the hall to take the call. 

"Sophie!" Keefe said, looking panicked. 

"There's...there's a group of rebels." He continued.

"Come to Havenfield, quick! They want Celestia." He hung up after that and I rushed into the room.

"I'm so sorry to cut this lesson short, but Fitz and I have to go." I said.

New rebel group. Trying to get Celestia. Need you there with me. I transmitted to Fitz, who nodded in understanding. 

"Where?" Kiley said, raising her eyebrows.

"Emergency. No time to explain." I said, grabbing Fitz's hand and putting the Havenfield crystal up to the light. When we arrived, my old house was in chaos. I sprinted to where Celestia was kept, and immediately saw the rebels trying to coax her down. I shouted, sending a bolt of electricity their way. They stumbled as the grass around them light on fire. Keefe must have haild all of the group, since Linh put the fire out. I surrounded them in a cage of lightning, before whistling for Celestia. Seeing she was safe, she glided down and landed next to me, nuzzling me. 

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